Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Still Hoppin' At the Love Shack

Well, here are another couple of projects that I did for my GDT gig with Bo Bunny. I normally don't like doing mini-albums, but this one was so fun to put together. I used one of their acrylic albums. The pages are so fun since they are all different shapes and sizes. I used pictures from our trip to Sea Isle last September. I need to force myself to do more minis, since I always love how they turn out.

This next project uses one of the tins that the buttons came in. They are magnetic and would look really cute on a magnetic board in a scraproom. Here's the before shot.

Well, I did't have any place to attach it to in my room, so I decided to take out the buttons and create a little project with it. I made this for my mom for Mother's Day. The crystals and flowers are Zva. I think it would be fun to open the lid and change the photo when you want to.

Don't forget that I have a little giveaway going on for some Love Shack goodies. Leave a comment by Thursday at midnight to be entered. I'll post the winner on Friday. (You can see the goods in the post below.)

Thanks, as always, for stopping by and for your sweet comments. They are so appreciated!


Frogs-n-Butterflies said...

Wowzers! Too cute mini! Love the color scheme and all of the different shapes for the pages! Brilliant!!! And the tin is too stinkin' beautiful! Bet ur mom will love it! Thanks for sharing. ~Cheri

cnelson said...

that album couldn't be cuter and the tin is gorgeous! fabulous work!

Danielle Flanders said...

wow, your mini is extremely gorgeous!! and I just love that tin idea, how awesome! I might have to do that for my MIL! LOVE that idea!

Unknown said...

All that detail is so yummy!!! That tin is such a great idea!!!

Ingrid said...

Wow!!! Anabelle, the album is stunning. I ♥♥♥ it!!! The tin is gorgeous too. You rock the BoBunny products, girl.

Shanna said...

Holey Gorgeous Anabelle! LOVE your work with Love Shack! That little altered tin idea is just brilliant! So fun!

Anonymous said...

Love that mini album! The colors are terrific!!

Chrys said...

That album is adorable!!!!!!!! And the sweet!!!!!

Kimberly said...

I love the sepia photos with these bright papers. Well done.

Daniela Dobson said...

Awesome work as always!!! That album is stunning!

Leigh Penner said...

I LOVE that mini-album, Anabelle! It's stunning-- you have such a great style. I love it!!

Carrie said...

Fantastic mini Anabelle! I'm the same way with minis....I love how they turn out so I really need to do more of them.

And the little button holder project is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Your album is gorgeous Anabelle! The colors are so yummy! And I'm totally in love with your tin!

Patty O'Malley said...

Absolutely stunning!

Staci Taylor said...

I totally loved that album when I saw it this morning on 2peas and that tin rocks! I have a bunch of those for a magnetic board - what a great idea! Thanks for the inspiration, anabelle!

Steph Devlin said...

Hey Annabelle, your Bo Bunny stuff is just gorgeous hon. Just thought I would pop in and say hello. See you at Websters xo

Danielle Holsapple said...

My jaw is hanging open right now! You are amazing - that mini blows me away! And your little tin - woah!

~kellyann~ said...

I love what you did with the tin. Your mom is going to treasure that!The mini album is over-the-top fun with all the Love Shack goodies and the fun embellishments.

Anonymous said...

Anabelle, I LOVE that mini album. It's really beautiful! Have a great day! ~Amy Tara~

DonnaMundinger said...

OMG Anabelle! What mini album takes my breath away! Words cannot describe how much I LOVE IT! adorable tin too. BoBunny is my fave! Hugs, D

Melissa said...

This is so beautiful plump and full of goodies...amazing.

Kristin - The Fifth Sparrow No More said...

I visit your blog on a regular basis. I wanted to say thank you for the inspiration.

Natalie said...

How fun! Love all the splash of colors on the mini album. Your tin is beautiful. Love all the detail work, you are so creative!

Linda Beeson said...

Wow, Anabelle, not only did you make those Bo Bunny Press supplies just plain shine, you created an amazing treasure!