Sunday, May 17, 2009

A New Week!

Yay! Last week is over. It was a crazy one! I was sooo busy and just felt like I was constantly having to get somewhere, finish something or get ready for something else. Don't you just love when you get a week like that behind you? To top it off, I've been having some neck/back pain and it just makes everything that much harder to do. But, I went to a spine doctor, got some good meds and they finally seem to be kicking in. I start PT on Monday. So, I'm looking forward to this being a better week. ;)

Here is my project for Emma's this week. I just love how it turned out. Our challenge was to use rubons. I use a whole bunch of Pink Paislee Enchanted ones. I just love that line. I added a lot of BG Porcelain, too. You can check out the Emma's blog to see the other adorable projects!

The Label Tulip kit reveal was on Friday night. Boy, are there some amazing creations in the DT gallery. The main kit is sold out, but the add ons are available. The Little Bitty Pretty One is fabulous!!!

Here are a couple of my projects from this month's kit.
This first page is all about how grateful I am to have had 6 Autumns with Ryan at home. I have loved being a stay at home mom and being with him during this beautiful time of year. He starts school full day in August (sniff, sniff :( ) and I'll be heading back to work. So, this layout is a reminder of the special times we've had.

This next page cracks me up. It's about how he's now making signs when he's mad at me! I had told him we couldn't go to Mc Donald's one day. Of course he argues and asks why a million time. Finally out of frustration I told him "Because I said so!" So, the sign on the bottom is what greeted me when I came out of the shower...

I'll post the rest of my LT projects later in the week.
In the meantime, thanks so much for stopping by! Have a great day. :)


Tiffany Heilman said... all these great projects! Thanks for sharing.

Shanna said...

OMIHEAVENS GIRL! Can I please have just the creativity in your pinky finger????? You always blow me away!

cnelson said...

gorgeous creations! love your work wit pastels!! amazing! so glad to hear your busy week is behind you and your back is feeling better. I've got one of those crazy weeks coming up this week and am looking forward to it being behind me.

*Beatriz Jennings* said...

oh! the first set is so soft and beautiful LOVE IT ;)

Kimberly said...

Beautiful. Your cards are amazing.

Laurel said...

I visit daily and so love your style! I LOVE the last layout, the sign is just too cute!

Danielle Flanders said...

Anabelle, you blow me away with your creations. I bet Rebecca would love to have you back on the team. LOVE that little Enchanting! How funny...that sign is too cute. He's a DOLL! I giggled when I read it the other night at Label Tulip! =)

Anonymous said...

gorgeous! Gorgeous! Gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Your Emma's projects are absolutely stunning! Beautiful LOs too!

Feel better soon!

(-: Heidi

Sherry Wright said...

((hugs)) girl and feel better soon. Your creations are jaw dropping as always!!

Nancy L. said...
