Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all of you. I love this day! It's such a celebration of new life, hope, and all that is good. May you spend it with those you love. We will be heading to church today. It's my favorite day of the year there. After being bare for all of Lent, it is a profusion of daffodils, lillys and other spring flowers.

Sorry I have been such a bad blogger this week. Ryan and I have both been sick, though we're on the mend now. It was his birthday on Thursday so between his school party, his 'real' party and getting ready to have 15 people for dinner today, I've been running around like a mad woman. In between all of that, I've been working on my Label Tulip projects. Let me tell you, I love this month's kit! The reveal will be on Wednesday night. The kits will be ready for sale and all of the projects will be revealed.

In the meantime, here is a sneak peek of what I've been working on this past week!

Finally, I'll leave you with these two cards. I made them a while ago, and have probably already shared them, but I thought they'd be perfect for today!

Have a wonderful day and a blessed Easter! Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Happy Easter to you Annabelle! I have to agree that it is a most wonderful day of the year. It is full of hope, and promise and love from the Lord. I love your cards**of course** and am glad to hear you are feeling better. Have a wonderful day.

  2. Happy Easter Annabelle.
    Sounds like you had a very enjoyable day.
    Love your 2 Easter cards :)

  3. Happy Easter Anablelle! Love your sneak peeks and your Easter cards are beautiful! Hope you're feeling 100% on this glorious day! xxD

  4. `Beautiful` Annaballe..
    Hope your enjoying your Easter weekend.
    `Happy Easter`
    Have a lovely time:)♥

  5. beautiful sneaks - can't wait to see all of them!

  6. Wow, some beautiful teasers and two gorgeous cards. Happy Resurrection Sunday, hope your day is blessed and that you continue to feel better.

  7. Happy Resurrection Day!! Your cards are beautiful and your sneak "peak" photos are full of wonderfulness. Can't wait to see the complete layouts! Have a wonderful week and glad you are feeling better.

  8. Your sneak peeks are very promising. I really like what I see. Your Easter cards are gorgeous. The 2nd one is my favorite.

  9. Happy Easter! It is one of my favorite days as well. We had perfect weather after being pounded with really bad days. Church was great and of course, having my family ALL HOME was wonderful. Love your cards and cannot wait to see what you did with the Label Tulip kit. Have a great week.

  10. Hope you are feeling better soon...and Ryan too. Your cards are FAB like always! And your peeks for Label Tulip are wonderful!

  11. Stunning cards Anabelle! And your sneak peeks are oh so enticing!

    Hope you had a beautiful Easter!

  12. What amazing accents everywhere, Anabelle! YUM! Sorry about those sickies, sure hope you both are much better.

  13. I am so loving your sneaks girl and your cards are beautiful as usual! ;o)

  14. Can't wait to see what you created with LT kit! Your sneaks look amazing!!!

  15. Those sneaks look gooorgeous, anabelle!! Love the beautiful cards, and i'm glad you guys are feeling better!


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