Friday, April 24, 2009

Blog Hop Time!!!

Are you ready for one rockin' good time? Well, you've come to the right place. As you may know, Paper Crafts is celebrating the release of the 225 Cards and Projects issue.

My cover project for the issue was made with a strawberry container. Today, I have another repurposed project for you. Not too long ago I received my first set of Papertrey Ink stamps. Aside from loving the stamps, I loved the boxes they came in. I knew I couldn't throw them out. So, I've been decorating them and using them as gift boxes. This one uses PTI cardstock, bitty dot paper, ribbon, stamps and ink.

This particular box was given to my niece for her birthday. I wrapped a necklace set in tissue and tucked it inside the box with a card. She LOVED it. I'm always so happy when people enjoy receiving my handmade goodies. ;)

So, here is where the fun begins. Leave me a comment (by Sunday April 26 at midngiht MST) telling me how you use found objects in other ways. It could be paper crafting or for some other purpose. (See an Earth Day theme tie in here?)Or let me know how you think you'll do this in the future. By doing this you will be entered for a chance to win one of these amazing prizes:

Cricut Expression

Your Story laminator/Binder

Yudu Screen Printing Machine

And here's something even better... you have 11 more chances to do so. Just visit these other ladies to view their fun projects and leave a comment for another chance to win.

Maren Benedict

Kimberly Crawford

Beatriz Jennings

Kim Kesti

Carolyn King

Melissa Phillips

Danni Reid

Roree Rumph

Sherry Wright

So, happy blog hopping. Be sure to check the Moxie Fab World Blog and Paper Crafts Connection on Tuesday the 28th to see if you're one of our winners.

Thanks for stopping by and good luck!


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Ziggyeor said...

I use the plastic packaging from my cuttlebug projects and once took the whole clear back off the grungeboard package and made a Halloween Wall Hanging.

Love the idea with the strawberry conatiner. We've got one in the fridge so we'll have to hurry up and eat them LOL

Debbie K. said...

I love your box! I like recycling jello boxes and making them into little trick-or-treat boxes filled with candies. They turn out so cute, especially if they have a little handle on them.

Renee' Morris-Dezember said...

Cute projects :) tfs
Right now I'm using my hubby's grandmothers old muffin tins to hold my scrapbooking embellishments...they were a perfect way to sort everything and I didn't want to have to throw them away :)

Nicole K/GothamGal said...

I love keeping my old packaging for scrappy stuff in order to package stuff up for swaps (like those thicker packages!). I also try and use things like old stationary boxes, cigar boxes, etc. to keep my supplies clean and tidy.

Anonymous said...

I love the papers and stamps you chose for your project

Rebecca Kettner said...

I love to use vintage dishes and kitchen ware for organizing my scrapbook and office supplies.

Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Crafty Math Chick said...

Right now I am trying to clean baby food jars so that I can use them for storage buttons.


Anonymous said...

Any time I have a container or any packaging that I think I could someday use for another purpose, I throw it on the shelf and save. You just never know.

Cynderellaj - MN

Tami said...

I used an oatmeal container to alter and made it into a lamp base. Of course, I had to add a lampshade and lit kit, but the lamp is one of my favorites!

Thanks for the chance to win an awesome prize!
Loved your cover page creations!

melissa said...

Love the tulips!

Ms. Cheryl said...

I recently used three colored glass stones I picked up off the ground to embellish a crown that was part of a 16x20 canvas wall hanging I made for church. I pick up silk leaves from the floor when I'm shopping and save to use when card making or scrapping. I don't throw away buttons or belt loops. I save toilet tissue rolls and use them for gift card holders... if it can possibly be reused I save it. ms.cheryl

Sue said...

I try to reuse packaging - wether it is in an entirely new way - or it is just to package something else up. Thanks for the candy offer and have a great weekend! Sue-Lynn in PA

april y said...

I love re-use jam bottles. I add some embellies on them and re-use them to hold pens, pencils, even folks and spoons. I re-use them to hold chocolate, cookies, candies and even plants for giveaways!

Terri said...

I used an unusual candy box as a little frame for my little sister. She loved it.

Cat Tidwell said...

What an awesome gift box! LOVE that idea!

I usually use my boxes and stuff like that for some kind of storage!

traci in virginia said...

I just recently bought a divided utensil holder at a consignment shop. I brought it home, sanded it, painted it, mod podged it with great scrapbooking paper and now it holds office supplies on my desk. Fun and cute!

Grateful Gramma said...

I love to reuse vintage wooden boxes for all sorts of storage.

Angela M said...

I keep the sleeves from my Starbucks hot beverages and alter(punch shapes, etc.) the corrugated side to use as embellishments in scrapbooking.

Tammy said...

i recycle a lot of things glass jars, cereal boxes for templets, Love your work.

Marty Walden said...

I like to use embellishments from store cards that were given to me and repurpose them for new cards made by me!

Jacquie Williamson said...

I love the strawberry container idea. I'm going to have to use that one. My husband has been buying strawberries like crazy b/c we found that our baby loves them sooooo much. Great idea.

Rebecca Ednie said...

I have made a box for earth day from a box that used to hold Prima journalling cards. it was going to me thrown out by a teacher from a class I was teaching, it was posted on my blog on wednesday.

Anonymous said...

I really haven't upscrapped anything yet but I've got some ideas that I want to try. I have used broken pottery and different containers though for my flower beds!!

Laura Evangeline said...

I love to turn containers and tins into mini albumbs. I also turned a baking sheet into a calendar and my spice rack into an embellishment organizer.

Anonymous said...

I have an ongoing theme in my office now where my co-workers save pretty ribbon from gifts they receive, and send the ribbon my way. I then make a card or something reusing the ribbon.

It's fun... and economical!

CalleLillyCafe said...

I reuse packaging & mason jars. Plastic & cardboard - I punched & stamped for cards even 12x12 layouts! I love it! Mason jars all decked out in scrap products? Makes a lovely gift!

Tina said...

I always save scraps for my layouts. Even my kids know to hand me the random bits and pieces of things for me to reuse. When I decorate the table for parties I love to grab things and reuse them in different ways.

Cropaddict said...

What a cute project. I run a day camp for kids with disabilities. Right now we are saving toilet and paper towel rolls, soda bottles, milk jugs, fabric softner jugs, crystal light containers, pringles cans, oatmeal and cereal boxes. We will be making drums, rain sticks, banks and yard ornaments among other projects. It's gonna be fun.

pattyb said...

I am a notorious pack rat. I can't throw anything away. I used old baby food jars and put hershey kisses in them and decorated the outside with ribbon and paper. I passed those out at my friends baby shower.

Lou said...

I like to use the corrugated paper you find in boxes and packages of cookies to use on cards.
I also love to save cool shaped glass jelly jars, etc. to store buttons and ribbons in. love the tips from the other comments and plan on using clear plastic for die cutting! Cigar boxes are another thing I like to decorate.

Unknown said...

I love using scrabble tiles from old board games to spell stuff with. I love your earth day tie-in and it's a great sneak at the July/August Paper Crafts issue! It's all about that!

Amber said...

I think crafters look at the world thru different eyes, always thinking of how to reuse objects! No matter what I see, I'm always reusing it! I made a frappaccino caddy and bottles into a Valentine's treat carrier...Hubby loved it. And Papertrey Ink does have the cutest packaging!!! Love receiving my purchases from them, it's like mini gifts!

Deebi27 said...

Wow, so clean and bright is your lastest blog idea. Reduce and Reuse...make anything out of something else is talent. Thanks for the idea

cjsimplyscraps said...

love your box. one of my favorite found objects of all time is drywall tape,especially because it sticks right on. my latest craze is keeping the tags off my kids clothes.they wear a lot of skating and surfing clothes and they have the greatest tags. some chipboard,some plastic,some with rivets or eyelets,and how perfect with their favorite labels still on them.

Brandon April Owens said...

Love your cover project.

Lynnette said...

I use my kids graded school papers for all kinds of things--paper airplanes, funnels, packing material, scratch paper, embellishments. You never know when some inventive spelling will give you a chuckle.

Diana Waite said...

beautifully done! I have plans to repurpose the containers that the sugar-free mix's come in (like crystal light. Not sure exactly what, but I am collecting and when it hits I'll be ready! :)

Kim Dellow said...

Love your make. I use alsort of finds, such as buttons I found on the streets, cardboard and acetate from packaging, even the packaging grom fruit to add paint effects to backgrounds! Kim

Fiona Yeoh said...

i love little jars!! and i constantly visit ikea for more gift packaging ideas :)

dclouser said...

What a wonderful idea to decorate and recycle those boxes. Love it!

Connie Watson said...

I save ALL ribbon scraps to use in various ways on my cards.

Jac said...

Gloria Jeans Christmas Coffee Take-away cups - glitzed and bling'd then GJ's gift voucher and few thingys inside wrapped in cellophane - even got hold of GJ's special ribbon to wrap around the top.

Or... Small tins with plastic lids decorated to make money tins for my boys special TOY WANTS.

Tonja Trump said...

I used my hot chocolate mix container for a boy scout donation jar.

Eveline said...

I made a ribbon holder out of shoebox. I put some eyelets in and pulled the ribbon through. And I always save tins to use for projects.

Ayelet said...

Ooh, boxes! I just love boxes!!! I always collect them and upcycle them!

Kelly S. said...

I love keeping the glass jars from Yankee Candles, etc...and then turning them into something fun or using them as embellie containers later! LOVE your tulips, today!

kc_froglady said...

This is a cute little re-purposed gift box! I like to do things like this also like with the glue dots boxes, the Altoid tins, even tic tac containers LOL!

connie tacazon said...

I have to admit, I throw out a lot of things (shame on me on Earth Day). So it's rare I will reuse a found object, but if I do, it would be boxes and containers. Usually the ones that candy comes in.

Dari said...

I know of someone who makes beautiful mosaic garden gazing balls from cast of bowling balls.

annesatx said...

I use a lot of food containers for storage. There is a brand of herbed cheese spread that comes in cute little white containers and I just clean them out, decorate the plastic top and use them to store brads, buttons, and other small embellishments.

PamSpradlin said...

I use my dogs greenie boxes for my scrapbook storage and gift boxes. I decorate them with my scrapbook supplies. I have also decorated the Post Office priority boxes for my card stock.

Daphna said...

I just love reusing things for crafting! I have started a recurring topic on my blog about that called 3R scrapping. My favorite one so far was reusing spools from ribbon to make little boxes check it out


Kristen Carll said...

that box is gorgeous!!! :) I am always looking for new things to alter, but candy tins and things are the ones I seem to love the most. Thank you for the chance!

yvette said...

My kids always ask before placing anything inside the recycling bins just in case I need it

Blogger said...

I reuse almost everything. I can't bear to add more to a landfill.

Janet said...


Teishi Kennedy said...

I save just about anything that I think I can re-use or re-purpose. I set them on my desk and keep them in the back of my mind, turn them on their head, squint at them, until something new and beautiful emerges. (Usually...) Right now I love taking cereal boxes, candy boxes, and such into notebooks for quick gifts.

Crossing my fingers for a Yudu...

Carol M. said...

I love to reuse the plastic sleeves that most products come in. I use them as clear envelopes for my cards..if I'm not mailing them that is. Congrats on making the cover of this great mag.

tomiannie said...

Such a beautiful gift box! My favorite found items to use are the office supplies I inherited when my grandma passed away -- she had tons of old record-keeping type cards that add such a cool vintage touch. Hmmm... makes me want to go use one right now!

Purple Princess said...

Beautiful project! I have saved several jars to store buttons and ribbons. I have also altered cd cases.

kreativeimagination said...

Baby milk comes in ready to use glass bottles. I use those bottle to store spices. Love your gift.

Anonymous said...

I usually decorate mine from the inside so I can mail them out to friends and family.

-- dalis

Unknown said...

My favorite "quick and easy" re-use project is covering a glass jar (think condiment size) with paper and a tag and putting flowers from my garden into it for a hostess gift. Thanks for the chance!

joybear said...

Very brigth and cheerful card, I love it! I use found object to make art dolls...very fun!

brenda said...

I'm not the most creative person at repurposing items but I'm great at recycling everything. The best repurposing I've ever done would be the tins that held my Brighton jewelry are now being used to hold epoxy stickers, metal phrases and buttons for my crafting!

Ivolina said...

Your box is wonderful. Lovely colors.
I am trying to re-use all little boxes at home in the kitchen or for making gifts for my friends.

margie said...

Well I guess my biggest repurpose item is not something I made but something I use for crafting materials. I have a 72 drawer library card catalog cabinet that I keep small items in. Each drawer has its own label

Sara Klick said...

I'm naturally a pack rat. I have a collection of supplies I call my "trash stash." It's everything from an earring I can't find the twin of to old Scrabble tiles to empty paper towel rolls. Whenever I need something for a project, I try to think out of the box and use my trash stash instead of buying something new. When the stash gets full I take half of it out, grab some kids' art supplies and have a craft day with my bff's children!

Unknown said...

I use take out containers to hold some of my stamping supplies since the lids are clear.

Debbie said...

I drink tea that comes in a round container. I put patern paper around it and put special treats in it for speciel people. I use magazine for paper beads. I take gift bags that are given to me and embellish them more.

debbie peysen

Vana63 said...

Ive got a stash of twine ties from pine shavings bags to reuse on little plant stick scarcrows :-)

Regina said...

Hi AnnaBelle,
What a fun project. You have definitely inspired me to re-use my PTI boxes and make them beautiful! Since I'm ever trying to be organized (with varying degrees of success!) I often repurpose containers for storage and organization. But I'm starting to look at packaging and paper with an eye to actually incorporating them into my cards! Another way to go green!

Pam said...

I love your blog - full of amazing creations! I often decorate small boxes. I'm all about reusing containers, and prettying them up when I can.

huntla1 said...

To date, most of my repurposing has been turning tins, stampin' up containers and Costco Cookie containers into storage for various stamping stuff. I love using Halloween tins for my Halloween stamps and doo dads, Christmas for Christmas and on and on. Makes it easy to find the stuff and know what is in each box.

Erin R said...

I love the colours you used! I collect buttons from old shirts and use them for my projects.

Marlena said...

I used a oatmeal container and punched holes in it with my crop a dile big bite and put ribbon inside and was able to pull the ribbon out through the holes and it also holds my scraps of ribbon.

Dee Tollaksen said...

Glass jars are a natural--a bit of ribbon and a little embellishment and they are ready to hold office supplies, coins, embellishments...the list goes on forever!

Alex S. said...

Sometimes I use the gift boxes, bags or greeting cars as a part of my scrapbooking the gift boxes that are decorated...I may use those as background paper (it's a lot thicker, but it's sturdy!!) I've also saved my baby jars and planning to use them for a baby shower favor!

Nelly said...

I repurpose a few things, like recently I used the plastic container from candy to coffee stain some paper and an empty instand coffee jar to coffee stain some lace. I put a little coffee, a little water, tossed the lace, close the lid and shook the items and left overnight.
Thanks for offering this giveaway!!

Patty Williams said...

We often recycle things and make altered art! I just cut up a cereal box and made a card with it. I used seed packets and made a birdhouse too!

Unknown said...

I love what you did with the box! I'm always repurposing and altering items. One of my very favorites is reusing old Lang Company Calendars. Every year for Christmas, my mother gives us a new wall calendar. They are made so sturdy and with such beautiful artwork, I use them in all sorts of projects. Most recently, I have cut the artwork out and attached them to styrofoam to make wall art.

PShort2000 said...

Love it!! I can't think of anything right now but I sure am getting lots of ideas!

Barbara Ferguson said...

I reuse alot of different things.....cereal & cracker boxes make great journal covers, jars for buttons, shirts that are old and worn have the buttons removed and go in my stash, cover hot cocoa containers and use for cookies at Christmas time, to name a few. =)

peggy w said...

I love to alter things and make them new again. Thanks for the great inspiration and the great giveaway. You guys are amazing.

Lauren (mytime) said...

I used a beverage/picnic caddy to store all my Copics in. I reuse items all the time! They are fun free finds :D

CraftingAnu said...

I use a lot of found objects on my projects but my favorite was one of using old shuttlecocks to make small dolls with. If you place the shuttle so that the cork bit is on top and the feathers facing down, you get a small head with a skirt. Just decorate it and you can make some lovely dolls. I made a set of 12 dolls and put them on display in my room.

Anonymous said...

I have decorated Pringles cans and peanut cans to make goody containers for my daughters birthday parties. Old jars and bottles are also fun to decorate.
Thanks for this chance to win and the inspiration too!

Patty O'Malley said...

Prima packaging is perfect to recycle for gift containers and edging trim.

Barbara said...

Found objects - I have stamped on sea shells

Xiaguan said...

I am constanly saving bits of stuff;) Makes for a crazy craft room~ My 16yo DD has taken the same passion for the Earth & now repurposes clothes~ I recently been repurposing wool sweaters & t-shirts for diapers for my new son~

Thanks for the chance to win some really cool goodies!

Giovana said...

Beautiful project!!
I love to reuse glass jars, they areperfect for buttons, ribbons and small craft things.

Thanks for thechance to win.
God bless

Tonya Peters said...

I have saved all my PTI boxes as well!! I used one so far for a gift box and plan on using the others as the need arises! I also like to save the Starbucks Frappucino Jars that you get at the grocery store and use them as gift containers. I fill them up with M& M's or something small! Fun giveaway!

debra schlink said...

i always use papers i get for scrapbooking like birthday mothers day christmas so on my grandaughter is recyle i love all the things you make debbie

Jo said...

I reuse my canning jars to store ribbons, buttons, and other little things in.

Cynde said...

I love your repurposed Paper Trey Ink box. I too reuse them they are so nice and impossible to throw away! I like to reuse any of the harder plastics, (ones you can see clearly thru) I use them for window or any time I want to make a pass thru on my card or a window to a box. I just cut them down and tape them on the back side. Like Magic...reused. I love to recycle and reuse things. I think we should all do our part! Thanks for the chance at the drawing...

Anonymous said...

I love cardboard - I save cereal boxes to make little albums! I save coffee holders to make embellishments - they are easy to punch shapes out of. I have made cards out of scrapbook embellishment packaging. I love clear plastic packaging - the larger the better - I can paint over designs and stamp them or just use them as backgrounds or card bases!

Sara Holley said...

I have an empty oatmeal container on the dryer right now just waiting to be made spectacular with paper and ribbon. I want to make it a pretty hair clip and elastic holder for my daughter's growing supply.

Sara Holley

FrancineB said...

I've altered an empty box to used as a tray for all my brad/eyelet organizers. I've also used old CD's as a picture frame and used two book binding clips as the "legs" to keep it up.

Love your box. It's fabulous.

Sara said...

love your blog...thanks for a chance to win a great prize!

RobinDiane said...

Beautiful projects. I resuse glass jars as candle holders and vases. Also repurpose different containers for button holders, store my flowers, etc. Thanks for a chance.

Renee G said...

I'm always snagging bits and pieces of ribbon to use in my own cards.

BelindaB said...

I used old teacups to hold a scented candle - so pretty!

BelindaB said...

I love to reuse the packaging from my scrapbook supplies.

Victorianrose said...

I use empty cereal boxes for chipboard. I cut out whatever I need, emblish the plain side and glue the printed side to my projects. :}

Heidi E. said...

I use soda cans to make metal embellishments. First you have to cut the top and bottom off them it is perfect to start using..

Denise G said...

I find uses for everything in my sunday school class... i use the plastic netting that craft stone come in for "fishing nets" and all sorts of things! You can repurpose just about anything!

Unknown said...

I recently reused the packing paper from some of my Unity stamps on a card...I crumbled it up, and stamped a background stamp to use as a b/g layer on an earth day card.

Polished Moxie said...

What a creative idea. I've been toying with both cereal boxes and coffee cans. The cereal boxes turned into gift boxes with handles and the coffee cans punched with designs to use as outdoor lighting decorations on holidays.

cyndi_b said...

I'm always repurposing items, perhaps it is because I hate throwing things in the trash. I was turning 13 back in 1970 when we began celebrating Earth Day. It falls right before my birthday and I always receive uniquely crafted cards...recycled cereal boxes/pages from magazines and even a Hallmark card that has been sent over and over from one friend for years. My husband returns the card to our mutual friend so he can send it back to me the following year. We have a good laugh every year.

Lexi said...

I recently used a coffee cup holder (which I painted) on a layout. Love to use unexpectd things in scrapbooking!

Kim said...

It's so funny.......I have saved the very same boxes from my PTI stamps and reused them to gift as well. I also like to reuse pieces of store bought greeting cards I receive.

sharon g said...

I like to reuse nice ribbons that people give me (if they are still perfect)

Suzanne said...

I reuse pasta sauce jars. Paul Newman to be exact. I have a row of them in my craft room and they hold everything from buttons to odd pieces of ribbon and scraps that I, for some reason, am unable to throw away.

Elaine R said...

oh my! this is my favorite one I've seen yet! It's just as cute as can be! *peachy keen jelly bean* i love the tulips and the green polka dot ribbon. the box just can't beat it! *perfection*

Carole RB said...

Hi Anabelle

For now my project is to make a bag out of potato chips bags (like candy wrap. I'll use this bag to carry my reusable grocery bags.

Brenda said...

I love to find new uses for old stuff I find at our local Goodwill store. Sometimes a coat of paint and a little decoration is all a project needs to look new again.

Anonymous said...

I use cereal boxes to cut items for cards and paint and stamp them.

Erin said...

I re-use plastic berry baskets to hold my ATC's, art cards and small cards to give away. I also repurpose old mason jars as storage for ribbon, buttons etc. Toilet paper rolls get used as stamps and then recycled. There is so much around us, it has become fun to hunt around in the recycle bin. Your box is FAB!

Victoria S. said...

I love to repurpose things -my project in the wings is covering cannisters drink powder came in with designer paper and storing pens etc on its side and making a tower kinda thing.. i have been saving coffee cup cardboard for years knowing that they can be used as texture on cards or LO's and now i see that being done all the time.

Oralia said...

I like to use the glass jars that our asparagus comes in - washed well, of course - and fill with candy and decorate. CUTE! Your box is LOVELY!

Donna Baker said...

I also have kept these boxes, hoping to use them some day!! this is cute!!

lynn Hamm said...

I need to repurpose more items. I need all the inspiration in this issue of paper connection.

scandi said...

I LOVE found objects! I love to cover perfume boxes and make vacation shadow boxes out of them or use then to decorate as a gift. The boxes are really sturdy and heavy duty so they can hold heavy embellishments!

Mama Tuttle said...

I re-use spaghetti sauce mason jars to hold my various ribbons in!! It's so great!! I love your card!!

ScrapMomG said...

Very adorable box! Great idea! One thing that I repurpose the most...are those little plastic baby food containers that are stackable and come with lids. I store all of my tiny embellishments i.e. buttons, brads, eyelets, beads, anything, in them. I love that they're clear & see through (the ones that don't stain from the darker colored foods). I've saved so much that they're starting to take over my space Have a blessed day! :)
Melissa G.

Kristy said...

I'm not too creative but I use the shopping bags with string handles as lunch bags!

TerryG said...

I love your box. It is just beautiful! I pretty much save everything, but mostly I save and reuse jars. I love itty bitty jam jars and great big peanut butter jars. I use the jars to hold various crafting supplies.

Rachael said...

I love collecting found items for my stash...Tiny ball bearings and various auto part components (springs, rings, weird patterned plates) that I have collected from work; corrugated or bubble packaging materials, restaurant coasters, old cards...whatever seems interesting to me has ended up in my stash, and I save almost all of it for "just the right project"!! So my stash just keeps growing!!
I did use the purple netted bag that my scallions came in into some butterfly diecuts the other day that I am going to use in a card for mother's day-thats one less item in my stash.

Gina said...

While the concept isn't really new anymore I like to alter mint tins & old cd covers.

Anonymous said...

I like to repurpose it and wait for an idea to pop in my head to use it...from plastic containers holding toys to the tops of candy packages...anything to save the earth!

Tery F. said...

I like using jar lids & bottlecaps to make photo magnets for my friends of their constantly growing children.

Mary in Chicago said...

I cover cardboard specialty coffee containers with seasonal cardstock. Then fill with homemade toffee and give as gifts . . . they already smell like chocolate.

Christine Schmidt said...

Congrats on your project making the cover!! Really cute idea!! I love the tins the Maya Road products come in. I have "transformed" them into many things including refrigerator magnets, sewing kit gift, decorated candy box, decorated container with hand made cards for a gift, and the list goes on.

Thank you for sharing your project and the chance to win won of these amazing prizes!!

Brenda H. said...

I love to alter tins and put candy or chocolate in it as a fun gift! Thanks for the chance to win!
~Brenda H.

Fleursbydesign said...

I used an old Tetley Tea box to make a recipe card holder. I love reusing old stuff and making it pretty again!

Heidi Kilgore said...

Hi! Tulips are my favorite flower. I really love you card.



Unknown said...

How cute is that box??? I use lots of my plastic packaging again to use as GC holders or gift boxes. Thanks for the chance to win!

Tanja said...

I love coffee "cans" (the plastic ones) for screwing to the wall to "put stuff in". Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

Ha! I am so not the greatest person for recycling crafty goodies (newspaper and cans yes) - that's why we need you for inspiration ;) I do have a little $1 tinny from Targets '08 Easter stash that I keep my pens in! Does that even count *lol*

Amber Madsen said...

I reuse everything! Especially soup cans

Leesha said...

I love reusing items. My favs are the tins from Fossil Watches. They are so awesome to alter.

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