Friday, April 24, 2009

Blog Hop Time!!!

Are you ready for one rockin' good time? Well, you've come to the right place. As you may know, Paper Crafts is celebrating the release of the 225 Cards and Projects issue.

My cover project for the issue was made with a strawberry container. Today, I have another repurposed project for you. Not too long ago I received my first set of Papertrey Ink stamps. Aside from loving the stamps, I loved the boxes they came in. I knew I couldn't throw them out. So, I've been decorating them and using them as gift boxes. This one uses PTI cardstock, bitty dot paper, ribbon, stamps and ink.

This particular box was given to my niece for her birthday. I wrapped a necklace set in tissue and tucked it inside the box with a card. She LOVED it. I'm always so happy when people enjoy receiving my handmade goodies. ;)

So, here is where the fun begins. Leave me a comment (by Sunday April 26 at midngiht MST) telling me how you use found objects in other ways. It could be paper crafting or for some other purpose. (See an Earth Day theme tie in here?)Or let me know how you think you'll do this in the future. By doing this you will be entered for a chance to win one of these amazing prizes:

Cricut Expression

Your Story laminator/Binder

Yudu Screen Printing Machine

And here's something even better... you have 11 more chances to do so. Just visit these other ladies to view their fun projects and leave a comment for another chance to win.

Maren Benedict

Kimberly Crawford

Beatriz Jennings

Kim Kesti

Carolyn King

Melissa Phillips

Danni Reid

Roree Rumph

Sherry Wright

So, happy blog hopping. Be sure to check the Moxie Fab World Blog and Paper Crafts Connection on Tuesday the 28th to see if you're one of our winners.

Thanks for stopping by and good luck!


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Anonymous said...

I alter cans for gifts for baby showers, my husband is a chef so he brings me home cans that use powders and stuff.

Jan L said...

I use the plastic wrapping that die cuts or Spellbinders come in to cut out shapes with my Big Shot.

Chris C said...

I like you, love to re-use packaging for other uses, ie coffee tins all decorated up and filled with doggie treats for a friend who has a new dog etc.
Thanks for sharing with us.

Anonymous said...

I look at all containers before they go in the recycle bin - and have two large boxes full of stuff to make into gift containers etc..:) I love helping the environment in this way and saving money to boot!

Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom said...

I have repurposed flower jars and filled them and given them as gifts all embellished.

esther said...

I like to use items about or from the recipient on cards for them - washers and bits and bobs from the toolbox for my father, ribbons and lace for my mother, a pencil stub, notepad paper for a schoolgirl...

Maureen P said...

I love to collect seasonal baskets to reuse, filling them with homemade cards :)

Summer Braxton said...

I save all the ribbon from any box or gift I recieive. I also love to use the extra button(s) that come on new clothes. I'm in trouble if I actually need one of those buttons to replace a lost one because they're someone on a project :)

Alena said...

Oh gosh, this is a hard one. I guess I should recycle more stuff. hehe. I love your idea about the boxes, and the strawberry container on the cover is great. Oh, I know.... You know those tall, 2.65 oz cans that the Republic of Tea bags comes in? Well, I have wrapped those with decorated card stock and put candies in them as gifts. I totally forgot about those. They are too nice to throw away, so they make great gift containers.


Alena :o)

Sherry D said...

I love to use the Crystal Light containers. They're east to decorate ad you can fill them with lots of fun stuff!

Kay said...

I love to up-cycle things. I think my fvorite was using paint chip samples to make easter cards with. I also like to use cut up cereal boxes to back my ATCs. It's gotten to the point that my hubby sets the boxes aside for me. lol

Thanks for the chance to win!

Kristie Larsen said...

I too can't stand to throw those boxes out. They are the perfect size and thickness. They are one of my favorites to remake. There are SO many possibilities! I Love what you did with yours. Thanks for the great giveaway

Whimsey said...

I have this stamp set and haven't used it yet; I LOVE what you have done with it though; fabulous inspiration!!!

Anonymous said...

incredible prizes
amazing blog and magazine

Darlene said...

Over the years I have used or reused many items including cardboard, buttons and fabric from discarded clothes, newspaper, packaging, and old postcards.Many of the items are worked into papercrafting projects.

cottagerca said...

I use old coffee mugs or trophy containers as pencil/pen cups for all of our desks.

Anonymous said...

i love to alter scrap chipboard...i made mini journals with them all the ceral boxes...shoe boxes...etc

ivy said...

i always use found objects or use things to repupose for crafting purposes. i used used a berry basket for a card!

Sandy said...

I love your beautiful creations!! Boxes are my favorite - I still have a whole stack of gift boxes from Christmas - but I'm reusing them as storage boxes - my favs the country look of the Janie and Jack gift box. =)

Anonymous said...

I use cereal boxes for so many things. One of things I make most often from them are handmade scrapbook album covers.
T. Blue

tfiskers said...

WOW! You use lots of PTI. I love your wishing box. I havent tried to re-use anything, but I will start looking!

cgargus said...

I have been saving my PTI containers for something like you made! Thanks for the idea! I was thinking of making a set of cards to go inside. Thanks for the chance to win!

Foret de Michelle said...

My favorite found objects are my great-aunts beads, I've been restringing and refashioning the necklaces to something that can be worn today. It is something I can do while watching tv as well, LOL.

Sandy said...

I used soup cans to make pencil holders for my desk.

inkedx2 said...

Love the colors in this project. Very springy!


Shanna Fudge said...

I have used almond tins to make piggy banks!!! Recycle and save money in one shot!!

scrappinpeg said...

I love to alter little coffee tins. Then give them full of candies to friends. Thanks for the AWESOME chance to win the great giveaways!

KanataNewf said...

I keep every bit of ribbon that crosses my path and it quite often finds it way onto the cards I make!

slbt17 said...

wow - this is a popular place! I love the mushroom containers, I find them perfect for holding my reinkers.
Thanks for sharing your art!

Sally Watkins said...

I use old cereal boxes in my cricut for tags and embellishments. I have a remote control holder that rotates on my work desk for all my pens and stuff. I also use empty kleenex boxes to hold trash on my desk top or store a small stash of old grocery bags in my work area so I alwasy have a new trash bag when i need it.

pookiepea said...

I love this and especially the bright spring colors. I love to use the single serving Simply Orange juice bottles to fill with candy, put a bellyband around it with a tag and they make great gifts or
party favors.

Vanessa K. said...

I always use the acetate sheets acrylic stamps come on for small birthday cards (to attach to a gift bag or package).

Rissa said...

hmmmmmmmmm not sure really, lets see i have repurposed a popcorn chicken container! lol

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge fan of Papertrey Ink and love your card. I save their boxes and use them for the same purposes too!

SuZeQ said...

GREAT little box ... bet your niece will treasure it for years to come. You always come up with the neatest things. Keep 'em coming!

I love using anything I can get my hands on to repurpose. I, too, use the plastic fruit containers, paper towel rolls, jelly jars, frames, jewelry ... you name it. Nothing is safe!

Thank you so much for this opportunity!

joscelyne cutchens said...

I love it! I am always looking at things and trying to figure out another use for them. and I LOVE that strawberry box project. SO funny because I have had an empty strawberry box sitting in my scrap room for about 3 weeks now, waiting for to become something else! :)

Vina said...

I recently used a paper bag as my found object in my earth day card. I'm trying to be more aware of things before I toss them in the trash.

Becky Voth said...

What have I "Up-cycled?" Just about anything I can!
I turned a dollar store find of a child's chalkboard into the cover to a vintage-style school album for sale on Etsy.
I made my sister a mini-album that lives in my old Zig pen box & decorated the outside to work like an acrylic cover to the book.
A few weeks ago, I bought some Heidi Grace letters & re-purposed the container into the "envelope" for a matchbox-style gift card!
I just love to use things for purposes other than expected!
Thanks for such a great cover!

Kimberly Brock said...

Love what you did for your Niece!! I like to recover metal tins for gifts. I enclose a giftcard and make the tin as a receipt holder. It's been a big hit!

Lissa said...

Your card and box are beautiful!

I have used candle and frappacino bottles for storage and decoration. I just purchased inks from Tim Holtz so I want to decorate the bottles with those.

Thanks for the chance to win the Cricut!

kerry9657 said...

I like to try and reuse things - can't think of anything specific right now though.

Liz Thomas (wifelady) said...

I LOVE to repurpose and alter packaging and containers - they usually end up being some kind of gift container (a great way to use up those supplies). Most recently I altered a clear mini egg carton for holding easter candy - so cute! I'm so glad you did a project with those PTI acrylic boxes - I save them too but haven't figured a use for them. I wouldn't have thought to cover the whole thing - love that idea!

lola said...

I love using re-using boxes and tins for cards and mini albums.

mamaliu said...

Such a sweet box! I have tons of those Papertrey boxes stored away with no idea how to reuse them. Thanks for the great idea!

Suz said...


Rowee said...

I altered a empty tissue rolls and made it pen containers... Love your cards!!!


Cindy said...

I love reusing anything I can get my hands on. Of course my husband hates my issue of not throwing anything away.

Karen said...

wow I love your box. I have been saving those boxes but have not done anything with them yet. Now I have the inspiration to make it happen. Huh! Maybe I need another PTI set.

Kari D said...

So nice to know that I am NOT the only person who reuses PTI boxes! Who can throw away something that could be used for a great 6x6, super embellished card?

Darla said...

I am always reusing containers and boxes of any type. A little bit of paper, embellishments and ta da you have something new! LOVE your box--so pretty!

Shauna K said...

I just starting saving spare containers- empty tea tin, small sturdy shipping box, etc- with the intent on paper crafting them into a matching set of desktop accessories for our new computer desk arriving next week!

michele said...

I love to use various different containers for storage of my scrappy goodies.

jen said...

We needed a new coffee table- we were still using the 'just-post-college' era one that came with my husband! I liked the size and shape it was just looking a little cheap & worn- so I painted it and added a recycled glass tile mosaic to the top- it looks awesome now!

Piper said...

I like to save small jars and small to medium
cardboard boxes. If I don't use them for crafting,
they always have other uses. Thanks for the
chance to win!

CHING said...

I used the empty plastic tang containers as my color pencils, scissors and ruler bin.

Harley Dee said...

Congrats on getting the cover! I have been repurposing empty (and clean!) tuna cans into pincushions!

andrea said...

my fave 'trash to treasure' gift was taking an old prima container, decorating it and filling it with strawberry chocolate kisses...mmmmmmm

JoanneK said...

I like to used the boxes my scrappy goods come in! Corrugated cardboard always gets reused, ribbon on tags, the tags on outgrown clothing! I also love to decorate shoeboxes and jam jars....for storage in my scraproom!

Teena said...

I love taking things apart and using them so that I have MORE stuff. For instance, I had some chipboard that was snowflake shaped. I cut it apart into four Christmas Tree shapes...and am using them to embellish a swap I am in! I WILL come back and read the comments here, because I know I will learn something...great blog...thanks for sharing! This is blog #5 of 12 for me...


Unknown said...

I repurposed the package from my bo bunny flexible ruler. I decorated it and made alpha flash cards for my daughter to fit in the package. Looks like a little purse. I've got a picture on my blog;)

Jessica said...

Gorgeous box! love the fun colors!! I've recycled vegetable or tuna cans into little decorated baskets for easter or christmas, like a bunny or snowman. They're just fun to make and give!

Heather Arsenault said...

I like to use the thin bookboard backing that is used in packages of scrapbook papers. It is perfect for die-cutting.

Princess said...

Altering things is my new favorite thing to do. I decorated an old 6 pack rootbeer container with beautiful paper and now it's my tool caddy.

I've also used old cereal boxes for the supports in my book binding.

Casey said...

I repurpose tons of things, but my favorite upcycles are fabric - table cloths, old clothes, sheets all become new sewing projects.

Cheri said...

Doesn't apply to papercrafting whatsoever. . . but I am excited to reuse branches I pruned from my plum tree to make "tee-pees" for my beans to climb in my garden! They look cool and I don't have to go buy anything else for them to climb on!

JessicaK said...

Like you, I enjoy repurposing the cardboard boxes some of my mail comes in. One other way I like to reuse/repurpose is using old business cards as light chipboard for 3D stamped images or embellishments. The biz cards are thick with a nice texture that catches ink well. And it saves me having to throw out a hundred or so outdated cards.

Becky P. said...

I am loving this box, so much so, I will have to CASE it. I try to reuse things, but I have to admit, I need to get a lot better about it. I altered a CD carrying case to use as a place to keep junk out of site. Not too creative, but it works.

Karey said...

I teach SS with a man whose wife became physically unable to do anything not to long after they wed. He would go to work and them take care of her all evening. He never had a life away until she passed, so he is still a kid at heart. He loves pirates and dresses up as one for different events. Anyway last year I spent 7 hours completing a mini for him. It was themed pirates and I found scriptures dealing with treasure and the such. I had found an old mini calendar that was wire bond. I took it apart using the paper as my pages cutting some shorter and rebinding it by hand with less pages.

Laura said...

I love using found objects in all kinds of art. Papercrafts is one of my passions, but I also love polymer clay. I tend to collect empty altoid tins, etc. to cover in clay and give them a whole new life! :)

Thanks for the ideas & for the chance at the great prizes!

Marla said...

Tiffany & Co. boxes are great for reusing because they are nice and sturdy and already a pretty color!

Marsha said...

Love your projects.
Hmmm. I save ribbons and papers to be reused. My pens and pencils are kept in different large cups that too big to use as coffee cups (and I love coffee so you know they are big!). I have taken tags from new clothes and used on cards. One brand of jeans has my daughters name as a sticker - so off it comes and onto a card for her.

Shemaine Smith said...

My favorite reuse and recycle project is making mini albums out of coasters. Since they come in so many shapes!

Unknown said...


I used a little box, that is used foor wet baby tissues ( i dont know how you call this in english!) and i altered is with Kaisercraft thingies. And now i use it to clean my hands or glass desk top after crafting. So handy!
(i did put some other wet tissues in it, though ;-))

Be blessed!

Michelle L. said...

Love your box! I use a lot of natural objects for gifty stuff. I went through a period where each year I made a different kind of Christmas ornament out of pinecones. Then when I moved closer to the beach, I used found shells to make ornaments for several years.

Anonymous said...

Empty glass jars is my favorite thing to re-use. I use them for my flowers, buttons, fibers, etc., and as vases for home & church functions (cover with paper, tie a bow and it's good to go). I LOVE these cards you made -- so bright and colorful and the tulips are truly SPRING!

Jolene said...

I love your box. Of course! I make some really great crayon purses out of crayon boxes. My daughter packs her crayons to church in hers.

Rozette said...

Good question. I use cereal boxes to make mini albums. I also use the hard plastic packaging as paint trays...oh and egg cartons also.

Ro from Seabrook, TX

Angela said...

I always use the boxes from mail to make templates, or minialbum´s covers.

Francie Horton said...

i use almost every inch of every magazine that comes thru my house - i paste inspiring images in my gluebook, i use a photo corner punch on big blocks of color, i re-use borders and graphics in layouts in my journals, and then i use the magazine itself as a base to protect my work surface from glue an paint. turn the page and i have a new surface. keep going til i use all the pages and off it goes... finally all used up!

Velta said...

Love the box you made...very crisp and favorite is using the Gerber Baby Food containers to put my buttons and bling in...they are perfect for rhinestones and other embellishments :)

Anonymous said...

I reuse the Starbucks bottles for gift packs especially for guys. Fill them up with sunflower seeds or Starburst candies and it is a winner. Connie NH

Anonymous said...

re-purposing a Cricut cartridge into a jewelry box

Lindsey & Kurtis said...

I work in a preschool and am constantly saving things (much to my husband's dismay) to reuse. We've been collecting milk lids and juice can tops to make matching games, and I love recovering boxes for gifts and to store my scrapbook stuff in. ~Lindsey

alexandra said...

I reuse buttons from old clothes for my layouts...
thanks for the chance

Unknown said...

I'm a saver of all things possible! Growing up, we recycled ribbon by the ton. I have a stash of PTI boxes that I plan to decorate and reuse. Thanks for your great example.

Just a little bit Crafty said...

I know that this is weird but I keep all the "peel off foil" from coffee jars, yogurt etc and run them through my Cuttlebug then make flowers, tags, buttons etc from them.
My motto: Waste not want not.
Cheers, Irene :)

Del said...

Great craft work. Just beautiful

Allison Cope said...

What a sweet gift for your niece Annabelle! I love coming across "finds" from packaging and things like buttons and string or ribbon. I save them and add them to my stash as I go. I love using stuff I find in my work!

Tandra said...

I think my FAVORITE repurposed thing to use, is Starbux Frap bottles! You cant go wrong refilling those with chocolate or mints or jelly beans or even change for a child!!
Seriously! Its my total fave!

Thanks for the chance to win!

Samantha said...

I'm always repurposing items for future projects such as jars and interesting plastic containers. I even saved the heart box from my Valentine's chocolates so I can make something fun with it next year!

Anonymous said...

I repurpose primarily for organizing and packaging. I’m often dwelling over the question to toss or keep? You can cram only a certain amount of “stuff” lying in wait to be reclaimed. We recently moved into an apartment with our belongings stored 150 miles away – so, I had to pare down. Organizing my "craft room" in our small space, I’ve used various odds and ends boxes and containers that I’ve covered with scrapbook paper to coordinate with my décor and give a unified de-cluttered look in open bookcases. I finally discovered uses for those junk mail CD cases: organize and label thin un-mounted stamps or stick thin magnets to the sides for Spellbinders die cuts and other loose metals. (Yeah, NOW I learn about that AFTER we toss our stash.) I have several dozen mint tins I couldn’t part with, so they’re in storage. I miss them in my reorganizing and want to use them for storing small jewelry, scrapping, stamping and desk supplies. They also make neat packaging for jewelry and can be decorated inside and out and used in endless ways. Paper towel and toilet paper rolls are a surprising find – they make unusual gift “boxes” and are quick to cover or wrap (tie the ends with ribbon)– so easy – and tough to guess what’s inside. Also, cut them into short tubes and place around bows or stuff inside the bow loops to preserve the shape during shipping or storage; or wrap by-the-yard ribbon and scraps around them. I’m shamefully not very green, but the list goes on…

jeneaevan said...

Beautiful cover, I can't wait to get the magazine! My favorite repurposed item is an Illy coffee cannister, it is so handy for pens and tools!

Lynette C said...

Since my kids goes through so many cereal boxes in a month I make magazine holders out of the empty cereal boxes.

madcapfrenzy said...

Your gift box is just down right adorable! I love it! I too love Papertrey ink's stuff! So cute!

Traveling Mama said...

Loving the blog hop thing! Super cute project! I'm sure your niece loved it! I love re-purposing items such as empty formula cans into pencil holders and projects like that!

Alex said...

I like your gift box a lot. I also keep all my PTI boxes as they are to good to be thrown out and have used a couple as well s far for packaging gifts/used as a card holder. But the one thing I am quite proud of that I reuse is very difficult to pick as I keep and reuse everything I can find that could possibly be used. Yes, you guessed right, my craft room is full of that stuff *lol* I make pen pots out of jars and tins, emboss the silver foil on top of the butter (after cleaning it!) and use on cards, the list goes on. I love to think I am just being earth friendly but I am a hoarder at heart I think :-)

jamie hansen said...

Love the box! I reuse glass jars for storage and I also use canning jars for my portable mug to house my homemade ice tea -- thanks for the idea Holly H. :)

Unknown said...

I am the best ever at eco-conception ! I love to give a second life to objects by alteretating them with scrapbooking items ! kind of melting thing with vintage and new !

Anonymous said...

I like to alter used things for a gift on this moment litle jam glass jars reused as wind light for outside. I like your boxe you made. Thanks for this chance to play!

A Piece of Cake said...

this is not a strength of mine although i am trying to work on improving and showing the children the benefits of recycle, reuse

Daniela/Neliz said...

Gorgeous! So summery with those sweet colors. I can understand that she was happy to get that box with a necklace. Who wouldnt? :D

I use the backings of different scrapbook suplies. Like the prima packings are great to make minialbums from! I love to recycle stuff, its a challenge sometimes, but it feels good to be able to do it :)

Hugs, Daniela/Neliz

Keri Lee Sereika said...

Suuuch a beautiful box Anabelle!!! The colors are fresh and the ribbon is just too sweet! Reuse of stuff is high on my list! I like to reuse the chipboard from cereal boxes( Lord knows I have enough of it with three kids eating cereal!!! LOL )

Trinity's Designs and Photography said...

Wow, love your project! I reuse all kinds of containers nd glass bottle to keep all my supplies in. Thanks for sharing

annemk said...

I love to reuse frames and glass jars for projects...
I love your ideas...

Harriet H said...

what beautiful cards and what beautiful gifts to win....


Harriet H said...

I forgot to tell you what I reuse.....I reuse the the blank front piece of heavy paper from my designer paper for patterns....just the right weight....and i love your box....

Anonymous said...

I love using the inside of the light bulb packages rather than buying that corrugated paper! sUSAn

karin m said...

Love to reuse cookie tins.

janice said...

i love to cover jars and use them with recipes!
your colors are just great !

Lynda said...

I am a TOTAL recycle Junkie...CD cases for clear stamps...and east to store), old swing files for A4 and 12x12 papers...the list goes on!!!

inbar said...

since i have a littel boy - i have a lot of similac o i'm making a gift boxs from them to all my loves.

Sara P said...

I love using found things in my paper craft projects. My favorite is to make pop top cans that recipents can open to find goodies.

bonnie said...

jars i keep all my glass jars from baby food, jams etc x

Delia W said...

I've got a the plastic covers that our bedding came in, that I haven't disposed of, as I'm thinking it will be the ideal way to store a mini book.. Now, if only I can make the little book..

Chloe said...

Love yor idea o alter packaging! Your example is beautiful!

I use the 12x12 paper bags I get my purchases in from my LSS as scratch paper when painting, inking, or stamping. That way they are at least used for one more thing other than just carrying my booty home.

Kathleen said...

I alter lots of things and give them as gift holders---like you did with this box!

Rosanne said...

I love this set! I reuse candle jars well cleaned out and then decorated as candy jars!

Mary Duffek said...

I love your gift....amazing as usual....what an awesome give away!!!

Michelle L said...

I have a can opener that breaks the seal instead of cutting the can. After I clean out the can I decorate the can with patterned paper and embellies, fill htem with goodies and give them as May Day baskets or party favors at a child's birthday party!

Kay said...

Wow! What a very beautiful gift box! It's a gift in itself! I'll have to admit I'm not good at reusing containers and boxes because I never really think about it. I'm REALLY GOOD at recycling but not reusing. After this week with Earth Day events, I'm so excited to started reusing! I've been SO inspired by what I've seen other crafters do, lately!! Thank you!

karahoward said...

It's easy to reuse a cute box, but to come up with the idea of using a strawberry container - wow! I have two in my trash can now and I'm going to go and dig them out to reuse!

Monika/Buzsy said...

Gorgeous container! Love the pretty colors! I usually save the cereal boxes and use them as chipboards... and I like to collect buttons. :o) TFS!

Pam said...

Great project! love the tulip stamps from PTI. I alter jars and anything with a lid to use for all my storage. I collect alot of antique findings and they really come in handy when trying to organize

Melissa S. said...

I love crusing through the dollar store and when I find things like kids foam shapes that come packaged in a plastic purse or another hard plastic purse that I picked up had a tiny foam stamp set in it. Take the product out and gussie it up add a small gift and you will be the oh so clever gift giver in the family.

Anonymous said...

I love any kind of glass jars. I repurpose them for gift giving. Love the fact you can see inside!
Just decorate the top, tag it and off you go. Love youe box!

BethW said...

We are HUGE Halloween people-on a budget. I buy costumes at after Halloween sales and stuff them with the plastic bags from the stores to make life size scenarios for our yard decorations. You would be amazed at how many bags it takes to make a life size werewolf!

Charlette said...

Love your box for gift giving!
I am a glass jar nut! Jars are the greatest for storage. You can see everything inside so there is no guessing! I save everything to reuse sometimes it gets used sometimes it waiting to be used!

Jen Carter said...

I'll use them mostly on cards and altered items such as frames. Cute project!!

Anonymous said...

I love to use eclectic embellishments for one of a kind cards, so I pick up any shiny, cool, interesting thing I find and save it for that extra something on a card or project. I get tons of ribbons, buttons, rivets, snaps and "neat-looking metallic stuff" that come off of my 4 kids' clothes in the wash. Seriously, I don't know what's holding their clothes together anymore! :D

A Webb Of Creations said...

Love your work!! I used an empty mayonnaise container, the oval shaped ones, to decorate and add treats to for Christmas gifts.

Regina said...

love your projects! I love to repurpose items to make gift containers. I love making card/candy holders from the Heidi Swapp flower containers.

Scrapycandy said...

I love to collect candy boxes and I save them for Christmas presents. Their shape will hide what is really inside and fools the kids everytime!

crosswalk said...

Hmmmm...I'm not the best on repurposing, but my daughter does have a pencil holder made from a can. Ok, that's cheesy, I'm really stretching. How about some old curtains for halloween costumes? I'm so lame!

Debbie Nelson said...

I love using baby food jars and other jars for storage of embellishments. We have also made banks out of empty Pringle cans and decorated them. Love how you used the PTI box for a gift box. I use them all the time for card sets as gifts too.

Thank you for your chance to win!

Queen of her Castle said...

I am a huge recycler. I save tons of empty containers to reuse. I have taken empty Crystal light drink containers and made pencil holders out of them. I use corragated cardboard in my scrapbooks. I save heavy duty cardboard/chipboard and cut them into die cuts for scrapbooking.

Pam Clay said...

My boys will buy me the Russell Stover 4pc. candy sampler and I keep those little boxes. They are so cute recovered with patterned paper and are perfect for that "little something"!

Donna said...

Great box! Very springy and summery. The color combo is wonderful! I love to reuse things. I just made a card with pop tbas on it for a challenge. I also save the decorative tissue boxes and cut them up to use for background paper.

Taylor Chase Graham said...

I love to alter jars and bottles. I fill them with treats as little tuck in gifts for baby showers, or birthdays, etc.

heidi said...

I often alter old, ugly frames. I had a 3' x 4' southwestern-style piece of art that had a gorgeous wood frame. I repainted and distressed the frame and then covered the canvas with gorgeous Oriental-themed fabric and ribbon and made a huge, beautiful memory board.

MoonPrincess22 said...

I do a lot of "repurpoused" crafts. I love to see what other folks come up with. Very nice!
It would be a wonderful prize to win.

Prairie Scrapbooking said...

Amazing project, and very generous prizes. Please count me in for a chance to win. Today's my Birthday, and that would just top it off. I save ribbons and gift tags to use on cards and scrapbook pages.

MoonPrincess22 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dawn said...

Love you box.

I reuse giftwrap. I save it from packages, and will reuse it to wrap smaller packages, and when it gets too small I use the pieces to make cards.

C. Sage Deerborn said...

I use found object in my mixed media projects.

buzzy said...

I have a large mango jar that I store my ribbon scraps in. It has such a large mouth that it is easy to reach in and grab just the piece I need.

Jana Eubank said...

I've kept those boxes, too! Now I know what to do with them! ;) Thanks for the idea!

Anonymous said...

love your project...I bet your niece was wowed. I have used Prima packaging on many layouts plus I always alter the starbucks
4-packs (the containers and bottles)....fill with jellybeans or other candy and give as gifts. Thanks for the chance. Sharon

Anita said...

This past week my husband completed my new greenhouse ... most of it repurposed products! I thoroughly enjoy finding a new use for something and look forward to reading through all these comments to find new ideas.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Lupe Rocamora said...

I like to re-use cards that were given to me. Sometimes I just use part of it, other times I use the entire card front.

*Analyn* said...

I've altered a shoe box and added "shelves" for my wooden stamps. Thanks for a chance to win great prizes!

Karen said...

Gorgeous work! So beautiful and very inspired by your work!

joy said...

I use the cardboard from cereal boxes and any other cardboard that would be suitable for chipboard. I cut it into usable sizes and store it in a paper slot with my other papers.

CrystalMN said...

I love to turn thing you would otherwise recycle into useful items. I made a container to collect milk caps for my daughters school out of a creamer can.


joy said...

I use the cardboard from cereal boxes and the cardboard from other purchases and use this as chipboard. I cut it into sizes that fit my scrapbook paper holder.

joy said...
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joy said...
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Tessa said...

I love to repurpose things. I am currently making a Disney funds money saver from a Flipz container. I am also on the hunt for old earrings, esp clip ons, to use as flower centers.

Charlotte said...

Your box is darling. Such a great idea. Thanks for the inspiration.

I use small Gerber glass baby food jars to keep embellishments in.

Elizabeth said...

I reuse gift baskets, little jars, milk crates and bread boxes, as storage.

For my cards, I like to use old fabrics, corrugated cardboard, buttons and ribbons from antique shops, and any pretty papers to embellish!

Anonymous said...

Ohh....I use clothes pins to hold my ribbon, mason jars or my embellies.....Old Crystal Light containers to hold small gifts. (after I've altered them of course!) I'll use anything that I can get my hands on!

Karinn said...

I'm always reusing shoes boxes for all kinds of goodie holders and making treasure boxes for my kids.

Judy said...

I had some glitter glue that I wasn't using. I press a layer over the fiskars templates and allowed them to dry. They made a best backgrounds. I have also used punches for use on the front of my cards.

Lisa Hjulberg said...

I have to admit I haven't been as conscientious about this as I should be (other than recycling). I do use the little handle bags from Starbucks to tote my breakfast to work each morning. I'm truly going to try to become more aware of what I can repurpose around the house.

Ginny Larsen said...

i've actually taken some of my brothers sheet metal scraps and used them for aiding my bow tying for cards.

Anonymous said...

Your card is so bright and Spring-y! I think my most reused item would be cereal boxes or other cardboard boxes that I cut up and remake into whatever I am needing.


Alyssa said...

I'm not sure what my answer is, but I am lovingthe answers that others have posted! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Kayla D said...

I make magnetic calendars that use washers (some cleaned up from my husband's shop) to attach the dates.

creativesomething said...

I LOVE repurposing things! I think my favorite has to be a tiered cupcake holder I now use to hold my paints, small embellishments like brands and jewels, and ink pads!!!

Elena said...

I save almond tins, cover them with paper and fill them with candies to give as a little gift. Thanks!

Toni K said...

I love to use jars for stamping and scrapbooking supplies. I use everything that I can put something into for storage, the prettier the better!
BTW, love your card!

Cathy Y. said...

I love your project!! I use whatever I can in any way that I can. I am getting reaady to find a way to use the new round containers that chewing gum comes in with those neat little flip tops!!

Thanks for a chance to win.

Cathy Y.

Helen F. said...

Congrats on your cover project! I love your "package" make with Papertrey products~it's beautiful!
I love to find card making scraps in my junk mail! Nothing gets thrown into the Recycle Bin unopened :o)
Thanks for the chance to win!

Blizzard said...

I like to take bottles in the shape of people, for eample: Mr Peanut or Mrs. Butterworth, and dress them diffrently or give them a new fashion look. Thanks.

Stahl Family said...

I've used cardboard boxes and tore them up to make tree truncks and such.

scrapnhawaii said...

Easy question! I am a recycler and proud of it! I recently reduced a box that my new paper flowers came in, made matching tags, and donated 3 tag boxes to a good cause!

Unknown said...

I am a preschool Spec. Ed teacher, so I know how to reuse many, many things. Things like greeting cards, styrofoam trays, buttons, film canisters, ribbon, jars, etc. You just never know! Thanks for the chance to enter the Giveaway.

Andrea said...

I love to turn stuff destined for the dustbin into cool gifts then when they've recieved them I tell them what they started life out as. Diet Coke can flowers are my favourite :)

fresh as a daisy said...

I reuse the christmas cookie and popcorn tins to use as more storage for my suplies. I decorate them with different paper and ribbon and they look like I bought them from the store.

Jane... said...

Wow..this is a hard one!!! I have reused plastic plant pots to put pencils in and large coffee can for extra coins. Or little terra cotta pots for candle holders. Other than that not much...But you have got me thinking so I will reuse ALOT MORE !!!! THANKS~

Just Call Me Grammy said...

Your projects are so cute. My hubby makes fun of me that I will alter anthing that is not nailed down in the house (and occasionally some things that are!)

blessedgmp said...

I love your website beautiful stuff.
Most recently I used ribbon scrap on a card. I punched out a large design then layered the ribbon scraps behind the hole it came out great. I did an oval one and it came out looking like an Easter egg just in time for Easter.


Linda Carson said...

WOW! Congrats on making the cover!! I'm sure you'll frame it! I like to recycle acetate from items to make shaker cards.

t-bair said...

I reuse every ribbon that i ever see! my ribbon collection is taking over the house! lol

Anne said...

I, honestly, tend to set things aside for re-use in a crafty way, then end up with my children using them in such a way before any creativity has sparked in me.

Mary said...

Umm, I'm not so good at that! I do sometimes use the ribbons that come with certain stores' packaging (Pottery Barn, Coldwater Creek) and repurpose them into a card... I will also sometimes take a couple's wedding invitation and recycle part of it into their card or gift (under the theory that that might make the card even more meaningful) -- does that count?

Lisa Phillippi said...

I hate to throw anything away-Spice containers when empty, washed & label removed are great for little candy jars.

Danielle B. said...

I re-use TONS of items in my crafting, especially in scrapbooking layouts. (such as clothing price tags; buttons, buckles, pockets from old clothes; etc. The list is endless.

Janet's Joy said...

I save all my empty tea bag tins and I will alter them and fill then with goodies for all the ladies in my aerobics class.

Deb P said...

I love to take trash to treasure. I think with all the talent out there..I can pick up an idea from somewhere or just figure out one for my own!

Marcie Sharp said...

I use empty, cleaned out Pringles containers to decorate with patterned paper, and fill it up with all kinds of treats!

Lisa Petrella said...

I use empty plastic salad containers as storage containers for my craft supplies.

Unknown said...

I am constantly repurposing things for my scrapbooking stuff.

I really like your box!

Kelly said...

I have used small candle holders that I recieved as gifts as the holder of buttons and brads.

Regan said...

I looove re-purposing containers for crafty things and storage!!!

Anonymous said...

I get teased a lot because my whole craft room is recycle . . . my favorite? I use liquor boxes which are free at Costco to store my 12x12 papers standing up. Has to be a liquor box though 'cuz wine boxes a little shorter than 12"

kristinorth said...

I need to use more of the boxes and things that I save!

Kim C. said...

I reuse a lot of things. My co-workers are always laughing at me from what I keep rather than toss into the trash. They are never laughing when I bring in a new creation that is now a treasure.
Containers are my favorite because they are so easy to cover with paper and use to put a gift in.

Deanna said...

Have to first say... I love love love your work!

I have used ribbon off of gifts, empty scrapbooking embellishment containers and repurposed them to hold something different in my scrappy space! Love doing that!

Ania said...

So very cute! :) And thanks for the chance to win..been admiring your stuff and didn't know you had a blog :) I usually save the most silliest things, but only use them like 30% of the time...but - you never know when youll actually get to use them! The latest thing I saved was some mini cereal boxes..but I DO have aplan for them..just need to find the time!! :)

toni said...

Adorable cards...I've seen your cards and LOs before on other sites so wasn't surprised that your cards were so pretty.

I reuse some stuff, mostly I try to reuse the cs and pps that come in packs of like stickers. I won't put my photo directly on it, but I do put some pp under it, or my photo. These work well especially if it has some color. I also have used some jars and coffee cans. I've altered Starbucks bottles as presents with candy in them for teachers and stuff.

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