Friday, March 27, 2009

It's Friday!

Don't you love the end of the week? I do! Ryan starts T-ball tomorrow. It's his first time playing. I can't wait to see him in his little uniform. He's so excited. He doesn't want us to call it T-ball, though, he wants it to be BASEball. ;) Kids.

Here is my project for Emma's for this week. I have been having so much fun with my Pink Paislee goodies. This card and box set were made with the Fascinating line. I adore the colors!! The card is based on a sketch by my sweet friend, Melissa Phillips. Head over to the Emma's blog to see the sketch and the cool projects everyone made with it.

I should add that the clear box is the box that the chipboard came in. I thought it would be the perfect size to tuck in some goodies!

This next card is one that I did using the new Webster's Pages line, 'A Sweet Life". I love the bird and I love those berries!

The stamps are Papertrey Ink. I think this sentiment is one of my new favorites. I have a feeling it will get a lot of use. (It's from Damask Designs.)

Lisa Pace is hosting another one of her awesome classes. You have to check it out at her BLOG. Her projects NEVER disappoint. I haven't had time to start on them yet, but I'm hoping to next week. Check it out!

Finally, I want to let you know about a class that Tania Willis is teaching. Tania suddenly and tragically lost her mother in 2007. She found that perserving her mother's memory through scrapbooking has been a big part of her healing process. She's decided to share her experience through a class (see below). When I lost my dad, scrapping about him helped me. So, I wanted to share this with you.

In Loving Memory by Tania Willis
April 9 - May 7
During this 5-week course (one session per week) Tania will help spur you on to create an album dedicated to a loved one you have lost, all the while encouraging you to be gentle on yourself through the process. She will provide prompts and challenges to help you get your thoughts in order and onto the page, as well as suggestions for selecting photos and how to overcome the dilema of not having many photos at all. In addition, page sketches will be offered and a variety of embellishment techniques will be taught along the way. There's no better way than to complete a treasured project than in the company of a supportive teacher who is on her own journey of remembrance after losing her mom very suddenly and unexpectedly the summer of 2007. “It’s scrapbooking as a healing therapy, not just art.”

That's all for today. Hope you have a wonderful Friday!


  1. Great idea to use the clear box for other goodies. Very green Anabelle! Love the set. Looks great! I really LOVE the WP card. I am gaga over all of their products. Thanks for the inspiration! Also, I got my first order from Emma's Paperie, which I found because of you, and I am so impressed with their customer service. Fast and everything was wrapped beautifully. My new fave. online store! Amy Tara

  2. These are all so gorgeous! Love the idea of using the box too!

  3. Oh my my you go again blowing me away! I love the way you used that clear box!
    Gorgeous cards. Simply gorgeous!

    Have a beautiful weeekend my friend!


  4. I know what's T ball....... my kid play that when we lived in USA. And I am so so in love with your creations... so lovely and gorgeous cards! Love the WP one MOST!

  5. I love those first two cards...those products look super fun to create with.

  6. You do such amazing work! I adore the bird and flower! And using the box - cool!!!!

  7. I just received this paper line and wow, you have inspired me!

  8. Love the cards you made, Anabelle! I just love the new Pink Paislee products and your used them beautifully!
    I found scrapping to be helpful in the lost of my dad, too. Even though he past away 3 years before I started scrappy, it was very therapeutic to go back and scrapbook about him.
    Have a great weekend!

  9. I just found your Blog and so adore it!!!! Your creations are breath taking!!! Please stop by and say HI!!! I just adore meeting new people with a passion for life and paper crafting!!!! Have a great weekend!!!

  10. Love those cards, so bright and cheerful!

  11. Wonderful projects! I love the cards.

  12. awesome projects!!!! LOVE how you used that box!!!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  13. What an amazing idea. Love the Pink Paislee magic you worked here! Beautiful job once again!

    Thanks for sharing about scrapping when you have a loss. I think it's a wonderful idea.

  14. Wow, these are gorgeous! I love the way you recycled the packaging...I do that too! (-:

  15. WOW, your cards are amazing! I'm so inspired and impressed!

  16. I love that class idea - I think many of us find scrapping to be very healing and therapeutic! Love those cards, anabelle, and how clever to use the clear box! Hope T-ball goes well :-)

  17. i haven't had time to blog hop lately - i'm feeling withdrawal! :)
    your work is so gorgeous and inspiring. love checking out your blog!

  18. Your creations are just plain wonderful as usual! Wonderful colors and details! LOVE little boys playing BASEball too. Riley played t-ball last year and he really thought he was too old and too good for that step!!!

  19. Gorgeous projects, Anabelle! Love that Pink Paislee line too!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)