Saturday, February 21, 2009

Something for Saturday

I just got back from Odyssey of the Mind practice. The kids have been working really hard on their skit. This is the first time Ryan has done it and he's really enjoying being a part of the group. He's the youngest, so he tends to hang back a bit, but he has a funny part in the play, which involves talking about his favorite topic - monsters - so he's psyched. Are any of your kids involved in OOTM?

Heres my project for Emma's from last week. I am in love with this Little Yellow Bicycle line. It's so pretty. I used the papers, flocked stickers and flocked borders on these projects.

Even though winter will be over soon,(I hope), I'm still enjoying using snowflakes on my projects. I used Basic Grey and Making Memories papers on here. The snowflake is covered with glitter and I added a Prima swirl. LOVE those things!

Hope you're having a great weekend. Thanks for stopping by!


Ingrid said...

Gorgeous projects, Anabelle. I too am in love with LYB. Beautiful collection.

Enjoy your weekend!

Leigh Penner said...

Very pretty, Anabelle!
I love that LYB pp, too!!

Kimberly said... usual! You always inspire me.

Dria said...

YUMM! I love the flocked items and the sparkle on the snowflake is wonderful.

phamil said...

Absolutely gorgeous as always!!!! I have to check your blog every now and then to see all of your lovely work!!! You do amazing things!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely the snowflake. And hope your son enjoys OOTM as much as ours did. Isn't it neat to watch them figure things out on their own and come up with awesome solutions? It's a great program! Wait until the day of the competition and awards ceremony. Pretty neat to see everyone so excited about....well, SCIENCE!

Jennifer Schmidt said...

Beautiful work!! I love those prima swirls too- they add so much to any creation.

Ann said...

Ooooh, gorgeous work! I'm totally in love with that snowflake card! Love the glitter and rhinestone swirl!

Anonymous said...

These are all absolutely stunning! I love that LYB paper too, and the glittered snowflake is fabulous!

Audrey Pettit said...

Oooh, gorgeous, Anabelle! Love your projects! I so love that LYB paper, too. We used it in our Feb. kit and it has been one of my favorite lines in quite some time. And I will never get tired of your beautiful snowflake projects. Fabulous stuff!

Lea L. said...

Beautiful cards Anabelle!! Love them!


Anonymous said...

love that style and gems..

Staci Taylor said...

Gorgeous work, anabelle! I just got some of that LYB line - it's so pretty! Hope you had a great weekend!

whoistracy said...

Boy, I certainly hope winter is almost over. It just keeps snowing and snowing here. LOL Love your sparkly snowflakes.

Julie Overby said...

Gorgeous projects! Awesome flocking!

Bridgett Owens said...

Wow! Those are amazing! I love it! This is my first time visiting your blog and I love it!