Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Snowy Tuesday

It can't seem to figure out what it wants to do today. I woke up to snow. Then there was sun. Now, we're back to snow showers. Oh, well. It's nice and cozy inside and that's all that matters!

First up, this week's 2 Sketches for You card. I love these sketches. I've been itching to play with my Jenni Bowlin kit and was finally able to do so this morning. I love all of the goodies that are in it. I added the Prima gems,b ut everything else came with the kit. (except the stamp...) There's so much texture to this card, I can't wait to give it away!

This next project is a little Valentine's Day tag. It was in Cards last year. That Making Memories Love Story line has to be one of my all time favorites. The heart stamp is Kim Hughes'.

This last page was in the Memory Maker's special issue on organization. We had to answer the prompt, I'm organized therefore I'm... I journaled about how I save money by knowing where things are. That way I don't buy things over again. Makes sense to me. :)

My room already looks so different from those photos. I can't wait until it's done so I can post pics.
Speaking of MM, today is my day on the blog. I posted the Valentine's Day card I'm sending out. I never got around to Christmas ones! You can see it here.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a great day!


  1. The card is so beautiful - so soft and delicate - really a gorgeous interpretation of the sketch. Love the other projects posted too - can't wait to see pics of your new studio

  2. Very pretty work! I love snow~send some our way please...

  3. That Birthday Card is simply STUNNING! I did the HIG PURGE in my Scraproom over the weekend. I hope to have everything put away and in their place by tomorrow! Fingers Crossed...

  4. Your birthday card is just soooo breathtaking!!! Wow, such elegance!

    And the other card and layout is fantastic as well! ♥

  5. gorgeous projects! I really love that layout!!!!! looking forward to seeing your new room!

  6. I remember that LO in MM. Love your card --it's so soft and subdued.

  7. These are all so lovely! The card for Kazan's sketch is absolutely stunningly beautiful! I love the softness!

  8. Wow, your card is just jaw dropping stunning!! Your work is just beautiful!!! Love everything I saw today!!

  9. Your weather sounds a bit like us, Anabelle. We have snow in our forecast for tonight, but it's bright and sunny out right now. I'm not very hopeful that we'll actually get any snow.
    Love, love your projects. The organization prompt page is SO colorful and beautiful! Love how you did your title work, too. And your cards are always spectacular and unique. I adore your Valentine card.

  10. I really like your Valentine card with the little heart and stitching on it. So cute. Love your blog and ideas you have. I am trying so hard to be organized. I will put things away and then not know where I put them. I think I need a table of contents....where things are!

  11. Pretty, pretty card. The tag is adorable to!! As for organizing...I'm brginning to wonder if it will ever happen!! Have a good day!! char

  12. Oh Anabelle! Can I come play with you??? LOL Love your studio! And I am in love with the idea of sending out Valentine's cards! Yours is amazing!

  13. Beautiful card, tag and layout!!! Your work is amazing!!

  14. Love, love all the wonderful details on your creations. So incredibly beautiful. Off to check out your blog post.

  15. ohhhh...card by sketch is so..so gorgeous, breathtaking!!!

    and the others are absolutely great!!!

  16. WOW! Your 2S4Y card is breathtaking! I love the soft color palette, and the rhinestones are gorgoeus!

  17. Awesome work! As always! I am such a fan!

  18. Beautiful card for 2S4Y. I love the colors !!!

  19. Your 2S4Y card is so elegant, love the other work too

  20. what a gorgeous card...wow

    that layout is great too!!!

    ps I'm very tired of the snow here

  21. Gorgeous cards, Anabelle!
    And I love how you combined the two pieces of shaped pp for your layout! Brillant!!

  22. your cards are so soft and beautiful. and i'm loving the organized layout! :) i've found i spend less since i'm more organzied too. can't beat that!

  23. Each and every project...perfection!! I could look at you work all day long!!

  24. Really gorgeous creations Annabelle!! That first card is SO soft and pretty...I just love it!! The jewel flourishes add so much to it! Great job with Kazan's sketch!


  25. Great work on everything posted!

  26. You amaze me with everything you create....that shabby Jenni Bowlin card is sweet and beautiful....your layout is so gorgeous with all of those soft colors...and I simply adore your Valentine tag!

  27. Wow! This is my first time on your blog and I have to say... I'm blown away! What great projects!!!

  28. that totally makes sense to me about staying organized. you would think it would convince to me to do stay that way.

    i missed where you live, your weather sounds like ours...a huge storm just missed us but i like the snow, the seasons, the change.

    your cards are beautiful, really gorgeous. i esp love the softness and detail of the first one.

  29. Gorgeous work!! Your 2S4Y card is absolutely stunning! It reminds me of my parents wedding (in the BEST way)!


  30. Beautiful work, I always seem to struggle with scrapping on the scallop type papers and you make it look so easy .. hee hee..

    love your work


  31. Amazing projects my friend! That Jenni Bowlin card is just beyond gorgeous and I love the bright colors on your layout.

  32. Oh Anabelle your sketch interpretation is just fabulous! I came over to get a little inspiration and of course you NEVER disappoint! (I COVET your craft room! Mine's a disaster!) xxD

  33. I wish I could borrow your creativity for just a day! You make the most stunning creations! :)

  34. love love that birthday card! I want it! LOL.... and that LO is so stunning.. love the colours. You always deliver such amazing creations!

  35. What an amazing card you made with Kazan's sketch. Gorgeous!

  36. Love the softeness of the colours's on the 2S4U card, really stunning job

  37. WOW.....all your work is just yummy!!!! I love everything you did, they are just gorgeous!

  38. Wow - those flourishes on your card are gorgeous and all your work is inspirational!

  39. Just lovin' the JBBirthday card! So artful and elegant.

  40. All of your work is great! I really love the card at the top of this post....so soft and sophisticated! And the sb layout at the bottom is great...bright, organized - how appropriate!, and fun! Not to mention, I love seeing others' creative spaces! Glad I found my way here. :>


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)