Friday, February 6, 2009

Digi Stuff

I've really been getting hooked on digital designs! I love perusing digital galleries and the kits are so beautiful. Just what I need, right? Another obsession. Anyway, here is a layout I made the other day. I love these pics of Ryan. We were at the shore with all of the cousins and we were taking photos on the beach. The kids were having a blast jumping off of this little stand that rents chairs and umbrellas. I got Ryan to stand still long enough to get a couple of good shots. I used a kit called Summer Evenings by Catherine Designs at After 5 Designs. Just looking at it has me craving the warm sunshine and sound of the sea gulls! I can't wait for summer. I'm such a beach bum!

This next project is the one I did for Emma's this week. I had to use the little box and create something with it. I decided to do a barette set for my friend's daughter. I had made one for her sister and she asked for one, too. This is what I came up with. I love this Sassafrass paper!!!

Well, that's it for today. Hope you have a great day! Thanks so much for stopping by!


Unknown said...

Oh wow, Anabelle, I adore that gift set, such happy, fabulous colors! And your layout is stunning, what gorgeous photos of your son. {I'm a beach bum too!}
Have a great weekend!!

Danielle Flanders said...

Oooh love the reds and yellows together! Also love your beach layout, I too cannot wait for the summer, I love the beach. =)

Susan Coish said...

Wow! Gorgeous projects!! I have dabbled in digital but never really go into it. You have great style!!

Anonymous said...

You know what anabelle....Ive bought some digital things, I have Photoshop elements and I get so frustrated with it that I give up. I need to find a class to learn hands on!! Your LO is so adorable !! I love the colors and those pics of your son are adorable!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love your digi layout. You can almost smell the salt air!

The gift set is stunning too! The warm, bright colors and little bows just make me smile!

Unknown said...

I LOVE that striped ribbon!!

Amy W. said...

wow, love your digi work. i keep collecting digi kits but have yet to actually scrap a page digitally. lol you've inspired me. :)

love your little gifty set!

have a great weekend!

Chrys said...

gorgeous projects!!! Yeah, I'm ready for some beach time myself! :)

Laina said...

That digi layout is absolutely beautiful! I love it to pieces!

Audrey Pettit said...

You are just so multi-talented, Anabelle! You do such gorgeous digital pages, and I can hardly open up my photoshop program! lol!
And that barrette set is just stunning. What a smile that would bring to any girl's face!

Daniela Dobson said...

Love that layout! That barette set is awesome. THose colors are so fun!

Leslie Ashe said...

Anabelle! I LOVE your digi project! It's fabulous. I wish I knew how to do it...hey maybe you could teach me! :D
I am LOVING all the red & yellows too!! :D

Hope you have a great weekend,

Leigh Penner said...

What a gorgeous digi layout!! Stunning!
Love the project, too!

Ingrid said...

You're a talent at digi scrapping too!! Gorgeous layout, and I so love the pictures of Ryan. And that gift set......awesome!

phamil said...

Gorgeous projects! Your digi looks beautiful! Looks like paper to me! But please don't give up paper scrapping, I love your work too much!!! LOL!

ellen s. said...

that gift is just adorable. i love the color scheme. i think the texture on the dig layout is awesome, too!

Linda Beeson said...

Anabelle - your layout is just plain dreamy! SOOOOO love those amazing photos and the colors you used for the layout.

Linda said...

that gift set is gorgeous...such great colors.

Christine said...

Love your digi page, Anabelle! You're a nature at it, and I had to keep looking at the gorgeous details just to try to see whether it was real paper or not! LOL! :)

The barette set is adorable! I just love the fun papers you used to create them!

Beautiful work as always!