Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Sorry it's been longer than usual between posts. I've been creating a lot, just can't share it at the moment. Bummer. I hate that 'unseen' rule that some publications have. It's so hard for me to make something and not be able to post it right away.

This morning I had an eye opening experience. I got into my car to head to the mall and realized that someone had been in it last night. The glove box and console were open and the light was on. My GPS and make up bag were gone. I'm so mad. I never thought about my make up as being valuable, but I'd built up a good collection of Bare Escentuals stuff and it will cost a good bit to replace! Goodness knows who would want used make up though. And the clincher is they took my half eaten bag of Good and Plenty!!! I'm waiting for the police to come over and finger print my car. I think the part that really gets me is that we live in, what I thought, is a very safe area. I know this kind of stuff happens everywhere and I always lock my door and car. (I forgot to do it last night, though.) But, still.... Moral of the story? We're not safe anywhere. Protect yourselves.

On to happier things. It's in the mid sixties and it's sunny today! Love it! Here are a couple of projects. First is the layout I did this week for Emma's. This one is about my sisters in law. I never had a sister growing up, so I'm just blessed to have these three wonderful ladies in my life. They are three of the most truly good people I've ever known and I love them dearly. I used some Hambly, MM and Jenni Bowlin papers and lots of Basic Grey stickers.

This next card is for the 2 Sketches 4 You sketch this week. I used my Jenni Bowlin Feb. kit again. I love these Anna Griffin papers. The flowers are Prima and the transparency is Hambly.

well, that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I'm so sorry that you had your car broken into!! I had my camera taken out of my car once and I lock those doors everyday!

    On a happier note: Beautiful Layout and adorable card!! Enjoy that nice weather!!

  2. Gorgeous layout and card Anabelle, so, so pretty!
    Sorry to hear about your car break-in, that's scary. Thank you, however, for the reminder to think twice about our safety.

  3. Beautiful layout and card!! I just love the colors of the card!

    So sorry to hear about your car...such a violation. I had my window smashed in and stuff stolen from my church parking lot definitely aren't safe from theives anywhere. HUGS!


  4. I'm so sorry about your car! I hope they catch the person that did it and you can have your things back- although I'm not sure you'd want to eat the Good 'n Plenty after that!

  5. Sorry you had your car broke into Annabelle:(
    Hope your ok....

    Your LO and your card is beautiful:)~X~

  6. Oh dear.... thank God you are safe! I love that gorgeous LO and card...... sooooo charming and elegant.

  7. oh, Anabelle! yucky people in the world! your page is gorgeous!

  8. Oh my goodness I am so sorry your car was broken in to! I am glad to hear that no one was hurt!! How scary! Your card is so beautiful! I LOVE your ribbon:)
    Thanks for playing and big hugs I hope they catch that thief!!

  9. Enjoyed seeing the Valentine's day tag and merci card. Both are very sweet.

  10. Gorgeous pieces of art! Stunning card and great Lo!

  11. Sorry about your car. I left my door unlocked once, long time ago, and they took my radar. I hope they can figure out who did it.
    That card is stunning. The flower is beautiful. Awesome alyout, too.

  12. i'm sooooo sorry about your car getting broken scary. big hugs! your creations are just stunning! i really, really, really LOVE your work!

  13. I'm so sorry about your car. It's been more than 10 years since that's happened to me and it still makes me mad if I think about it. What makes this the worst is the Good & Plenty. Makes you wonder about people doesn't it? I mean is there a criminal somewhere applying someone elses used BareEssencuals while eating their candy? It certainly leaves us creative folk with a picture in the mind that is rather interesting. Well, sorry for the long post! What I really wanted to tell you was once again, I love your projects and I can't wait to see what you've been working on. You are just one of my favorite people I've never met. Love your work! Thanks for sharing it.

  14. OMGoodness how frightening for you! Hopefully they find who is responsible!

    Your projects are absolutely beautiful!

  15. WOW, if you think about it...the person knew about your make-up and the value. Boy, you are right...who would take make-up? Scary to be violated in this manner. Chin up and maybe this person will be caught. Be sure to let your neighbors know! Catch ya later chica.

  16. So sorry to hear about your break-in Anabelle. That is scary, and definitely freaky that they took makeup and good n plentys. That's just weird. Yuck!
    Love your page and your card, though. Both gorgeous, as usual!

  17. That's terrible about you car- that had to be young ones to take make-up! I am a "Good& Plenty" junkie too :).
    Your layout is terrific and the card is BEAUTIFUL!

  18. Your card is just sooooooo beautiful!!! Soft and romantic! Just fab ♥♥

    Sorry to hear about the car break-in. It's just terrible *hugs*

  19. just dropping in to say hi- I hear you on the vehicle thing- friends of ours had their truck window smashed to get their GPS- and other friends had theirs taken as well. apparently they are the new thing to take.
    love your layout just wanted to drop in and say hello!

  20. Absolutely stunning projects anabelle! I'm so sorry about your car :-( It's such a feeling of being violated, isn't it? Your good and plenty reminds me of a similar thing that happened to me - my car was actually stolen back when I was in college, and when it was finally recovered, they had taken my mix tapes and teddy bear that was in it,too :-( I just had visions of them chucking them out the window, laughing, as they were driving away!

  21. Gorgeous card Anabelle!! Sorry to hear about your neighborhood, but you're right. No way is safe. My sister lives in an affluent neighborhood & CARS were getting stolen!!!

  22. That is such a beautiful layout! I love the photo of your sisters-in-law...what a blessing for you to have such great relationships with them.

    The card is lovely! I really like the Anna Griffin papers, and the flowers and bling are the perfect addition to it.

    I'm so sorry to hear what happened to your car...I can understand how disappointing and upsetting it can be to have that happen. I had mine broken into when I was in college, and it disturbed me. I hope and pray that you stay safe!

    Have a wonderful Valentine's Day and a blessed weekend, Anabelle! :)

  23. so sorry to hear about the break in Anabelle-I know what an awful feeling that is.
    Can't wait to see what other little creations you will be sharing:)

  24. I'm SO sorry to hear about your car being broken into - I've had that happen a couple of times before and it's really quite unsettling. Not sure about your insurance, but I know my homeowner's insurance covered them b/c they happened at home. Just a your blog :)

  25. sorry about your break in, Anabelle! If you would have locked the door, they probably would have broken your window, and that would have been more of a hassle. Too bad it happened at all though.
    Great layout and card... I always love to come and visit your blog!

  26. Sorry to hear about your car, that is scary! Thank goodness nothing else happened to your car or house. I agree with you though...I think it is safe here too, but I always lock my car doors, even when I get in from shopping at the store or what not. I'm always paranoid like that. I love your layout and your card is GORGEOUS!!!

  27. Beautiful layout and gorgeous card!

    So sorry to hear about your car. Hope they figure it out.

  28. well shoot! that's horrible that your car was broken into! i bet it gave you the real heebie-jeebies huh? reminds me of when my oldest was a baby and we went into pizza hut and left the diaper bag (which just looks like a huge purse) in the car. we came out from eating and found the window smashed in and the diaper bag gone. we felt so violated and creeped out. funny thing was all they got was about 4 diapers, baby wipes, a binky, some animal crackers and a nose syringe. :)

    gorgeous layout and card! cool that you are close with your sister in laws!


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