Saturday, January 10, 2009


Just a quick post today. I did this card using this week's CPS sketch. I used a Crafty Secrets cotton scrap along with some Websters papers. Are you sick of seeing that cream felt? I'm down to my last scraps and don't know what I'll do when it's gone, because I love it. I guess that's fairly evident since I've used it on a bunch of projects.

I'm really excited! I'm going to be doing Lisa Pace's Cupid's workshop. It starts on January 15. I did her Christmas class and thought it was awesome! Her projects were fabulous. I adore Lisa's vintage style and was so inspired by her ideas. I'm hoping that I'll be able to actually complete a few more things this time around. Here is a sneak peek of the projects that she will be doing.

Aside from presenting the projects, Lisa posts recipes (yum), decorating ideas and fun downloads of vintage images that you can use. If you are interested in checking out Cupid's Workshop check out her blog: It's In the Details.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Love the colors love every litle thing about the card.!! Have a great weekend!! Char

Renee Lamb said...

ooh, this is absolutely gorgeous! and you work that felt magically...can never tire of it! LOL have fun with the workshop!

Leigh Penner said...

I love that card, Anabelle (& I could never get tired of seeing any of your work!)
Enjoy the class-- can't wait to see what you create with it!

Kimberly said...

Going to check out the CUPID Workshop. BTW, I love the cream felt. Better go and get some more, huh?

Anonymous said...

This card is absolutely beautiful!

Gems said...

That card is gorgeous! I just love the image :o) xx

Anonymous said...

Your card is `gorgeous` Annabelle..TFS:)~X~

Anonymous said...

So beautiful! I love that cotton scrap and the cream felt too!
(-: Heidi

ashlee said...

beautiful card and congrats on the class:)

Tricia Wilson said...

That is such a pretty card!
I have been seeing info about the Cupid workshop all over the place. It is good to hear that you enjoyed the Christmas class with her. I might have to give it a try.

Leslie Ashe said...

Gosh Anabelle - you are SO SO inspiring to me!!!!!!! I love the beautiful creations you've posted!! :D I am with Leigh...I could NEVER ever tire of looking at your stuff. You are SO talented!!!!

Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my blog! You have no idea how you made my night!!

I hope your week is wonderful!

Kristen Swain said...

ohh congrats on getting to do the class, I love love love that card- sooo rich with details! wow!

Audrey Pettit said...

Your card is SO adorable, Anabelle! Love that vintage cloth clip, and adore how you used the gems.
That workshop looks fabulous. Can't wait to see your projects!

joslyn said...

cute cute card. i have enjoyed peeking at your blog.