Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! I hope that this year is filled with all good things for you and your family. As I look back on 2008, I think of a year that was filled with both happy memories and rough challenges for my family. But, the hard times definitely taught us to live each day to the fullest. We are much closer because of them.

I'm starting off the New Year with a challenge over at Inspire Me. Scrap your resolution and you could win a line of Webster's Pages papers. All of the information can be found here

Here is my page:

I used Webster's papers, along with some Pink Paislee. The cut outs are from WP, as is the trim. I added a couple of Crate Die cuts, K and CO. beaded flowers and Hambly rubons. I used a photo of my favorite flower - the white tulip- because to me it embodies simplicity.

I don't have much else to share because my scraproom is in shambles. My stuff is shoved together in the center of the room and also out in the hallway. The transformation has begun. We painted it this week. I have some grand plans for it, but it will be a while before it's done and I can post pics. Wish me luck.

Have a Happy New Year! Thanks so much for stopping by.


Unknown said...

This is GORGEOUS, Annabelle! Happy New Year to you & yours.

Kimberly said...

Happy New Year! Wishing you health, happiness, and prosperity this 2009.

Anonymous said...

that's funny Anabelle-as I was spending sometime last night reflecting on 2008, I decided my word of 2009 would be simplify-I am learning that there is so much beauty in simplicity:)
Happy New Year to you!!!

Chrys said...

Happy new year!!!! Gorgeous page!!!

Ann said...

Gorgeous LO! And I feel your pain--I just redid my workspace and posted the pics yesterday (mainly to prove to myself that it was actually clean!) Happy 2009! :D

Anonymous said...

Stunning LO!!
Wishing you a very Happy New Year!

Leigh Penner said...

Love the layout, Anabelle!
That was my word for 2008.
Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous page! I love the way you layered the pp! I can't wait to see your scrap room! :D

Staci Taylor said...

Love your gorgeous gorgeous layout anabelle! And I think simplifying is a great goal! Good luck with the scrap room overhaul - sounds fun! Happy new year to you!!

Miki said...

Happy New Year Anabelle! Love the layout and simplify...I'm with you there. Can't wait to see your new work space!

Melanie said...

This page is stunning!!! Happy New Year. I'm hopping over the see the challenge.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Anabelle!
Amy Tara

Anonymous said...

Beautiful layout Diva..and Happy New year to you

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness that is just incredibly beautiful!!

whoistracy said...

Gorgeous, as always. Happy 2009!!!

Lucy Edson said...

Beautiful layout and wonderful challenge for the new year! Love your word!

Good luck on your room re-do! I am attempting that myself - mostly just organization!

Happy New Year!

jaz lee said...

This page of yours inspireMe to do up my resolution page ;) itz so gorgeous u know that? ;)

Look fwd to see yr new workspace ;)

Kandis Smith said...

Happy new year girl--this page is beautiful~!! I'll miss 2008 as well but look forward to what 2009 will hold!

Sherry Wright said...

I *love* the color combo, so springy!! Happy new year my friend. :0)

Laura Davis said...

Oh wow Anabelle this is just beautiful! I hope you win:)

Anonymous said...


Do you have an E-mail address? Char

Amber said...

Beautiful page Annabelle, and what a great idea for a challenge! Will have to check it out.
Good luck on the scraproom transformation - lucky for me I overhauled mine in the Fall, so I have a little time before I do it again!!!

phamil said...

What a gorgeous page! I'll have to check out the challenge, I would love to have some new Websters stuff!!!!

Happy New Year!!!

Danielle Flanders said...

I love this page!!!

Cris Cunningham said...

gorgeous! Just gorgeous. The Webster's Pages products make me swoon!