Thursday, January 8, 2009


Finally getting around to getting a new post up this week. Fran and I went to New York on Monday and Tuesday. We had a great time! I ate and drank a bunch, but probably walked off most of the calories I consumed. I grew up on Long Island, so NYC is kind of like home. On Tuesday, my BFF from home came and met me and we had lunch and did some shopping. Well, let me tell you, I hit the motherload! We found the most amazing store. It's called M and J Trimming. Holy Moly! This place is floor to ceiling ribbon, trim, buttons, lace, etc. I was in heaven. I could have stayed there and shopped for hours. But since Jen wasn't nearly as excited as I was, I refrained. I did leave with a bunch of awesome ribbon, though.

Check out this photo. Seeing it online isn't nearly as cool as in person, but you get the idea...


Here's the link: M and J Trimming

So, onto some projects...

I did this for Kazan's sketch at 2S4Y this week. Once again, I was totally inspired by the sketch and the team's fabulous interpretations. I flipped the sketch 180 degrees. :) Ever have a card that just comes together really easily? This was one of those cards for me. I used Creative Imaginations and Jenni Bowlin papers, CI and Karen Foster stickers and a Prima rhinestone swirl. I LOVE those!!

Here is a layout that I did for the POC blog this week.

I love flowers. I have so many of them that I could use them on every project I create and still have tons left over. Since I'm the only female in my household, I usually use them on cards, layouts about me, or altered projects. But, I do sometimes use them on masculine pages, too. This page is an example of how to add them without making the page look too 'girly'. First, I started with a strong plaid backgound. I used small flowers and embellished them with buttons and star jewels. That way the flowers work as an accent, and your eyes aren't immediately drawn to them. Finally, I adhered the red and white cord around the circles to add some more texture to the page. And, yes, the journaling lines ARE all stitched. ;)

Well, that's it for now. Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Your work is so amazingly beautiful! I think I literally gasped when I saw this card. Absolutely stunning!

  2. Me too... I love that card! you made it look so easy......... what a creative talent you are!

  3. OmG! Anabelle, I visited NYC this past summer and discovered that store! WOW! Loved it. What a dream!

  4. Wow, Anabelle! Your layout is amazing, can't believe the detail! Love that you stitched the journaling lines, and I LOVE that you weren't afraid to use flowers on a "guys" page. And your card is fabulous, I've been inspired by your work and been using more jewels lately!
    p.s. What a great store! Can't wait to check out the website.

  5. Gorgeous card. I am happy you enjoyed New York. It is quite the exciting city for sure!

  6. Anabelle.. your 2s4y card is absolutely stunning! I adore the colors you used, and the impact of the 'white' space... amazing work, as always!
    {oh, and I would have spent hours in that trimmings store!}

  7. wholey cow, how could you EVER decide what to get?! That store is amazing! I'll have to go there sometime. I'm only about 3 hours from NYC. Maybe we can meet some day too! Your card and layout are to die for. I know I say this every time, but you are so talented!!

  8. GASP!!!!! That store is GORGEOUS!!!! I could spend a week in there!! Wow!!

    Wonderful creations you shared! I think the card is very pretty!!

  9. What a really cool place! I would of spent hours in there too! You're projects are beautiful I really like that layout design a lot!

  10. Wonderful projects!!!! I'd be in heaven too at the trim place! Someday we'll make it out to NY...never been, but it's on my list of places to go...just waiting for the boys to be much older.

  11. I've always wanted to go to that my niece lives there I just might go!! Your creations are just fabulous!!! You a great talent!!

  12. Wow, those photos are wonderful. I would love it there. I keep telling my husband that we need to go to New York. I used to live in New Jersey and my dad worked in New York city and we would go there all the time to see him at the hotel. Just across the Lincoln Tunnel.
    Beautiful card and lyout. Your details are amazing!

  13. Om-goodness Annabelle this is sooo beautiful - love how you put the accent at the bottom :)
    Thanks for playing - have a great weekend

  14. Thanks for the tip about the ribbon store. I'll definitely be checking it out online! I feel like I haven't e-chatted with you in a very long time. I'm glad to hear all is well and I'm jealous of your trip to NYC -- it sounds like so much fun.

  15. OH.



    I may have passed out walking into that store Anabelle! Seriously a scrapper's/crafter's dream store!!! Love your take on the sketch! You never fail to inspire me!

  16. Annabelle, your card is stunningly beautiful! Gorgeous colours and the detail is wonderful. You are soooo talented! I visitrf NYC last August - how did I miss that store?!?! Will log that one for future reference next time we visit!
    Sarah x

  17. That store looks so cool!!
    Your card is gorgeous, Anabelle, as is your layout!
    I saw some gorgeous cards in the Jan/Feb PaperCraft and quite a few times, I'd check to see who made them and it was you!
    And I'd think: "Oh, it's Anabelle! I know her!"
    Have a great day, friend!

  18. WOW, you do BEAUTIFUL work!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

  19. Your work never ceases to amaze me! Where do I begin? Stitching to make journaling lines...brilliant! I love that felt too. I have the red one, not the cream. I wish I had a neutral color. I love your tips for using flowers for a non-girlie page.

    I think I've seen M & J Trimming on Martha Stewart. The store looks amazing. Thanks for the links.

  20. You have some great talent, both projects are awesome. I love the colors you used in your card and the way you turned Kazan's sketch and made it your own.

  21. love that card! soo pretty! and i love your layout, awesome way to show using flowers on a guy layout!
    and jaw dropping to the floor on that trimmings store- wow! gorgeous place and so well organized!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)