Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Just a quick post to say Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that all of you U.S. girls have a joyous celebration today. May your time with family and friends be filled with happiness, gratitude and peace.

Just wanted to share a couple of quick cards today. This is the card I did for this week's CPS sketch. I used some My Mind's Eye papers, a Creative Imaginations transparency, some Prima flowers and jewels and a ribbon from my stash.

And what would Thanksgiving be without a Thanksgiving card. Here's one using lots of Queen and Company felt and pearls.

Finally, I leave you with a quote that I found, of all places, in the comics section of the newspaper this week.

"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures."

I hope you are feeling as blessed for your treasures today as I am for mine.
Happy Thanksgiving. :)


  1. Wow! I love these :)

  2. gorgeous cards Anabelle!
    wishing you a happy thanksgiving as well!

  3. I am Thankful for your inspiration and have a Blessed and Joyous Thanksgiving with your family.

  4. Gorgeous {as always}! Your CPS card is stunning...all the layers..the happy colors...the bling...the Thanksgiving card is sooo pretty with all the wonderful felt. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  5. Just Beautiful! LOVE that yellow striped ribbon card. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Anabelle!

  6. Just gorgeous Annabelle! You truly are an inspiration. Happy Thanksgiving! xxD

  7. Soooo gorgeous!!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you!!!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving, Anabelle.

    You are one of those gifted people who can make yellow look good - for me it always gives off a pee-in-snow sort of vibe *grin*

    Love the soft colors in the first card and all the felt in the second.

  9. Beauitful cards Annabelle! I love the "You Are My Sunshine" card, so bright and cheerful!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)