Thursday, November 20, 2008

CPS 91

This is my card for the CPS sketch this week. Although I'm not officially on the team anymore, I'll always be a CPS girl at heart. I'm so excited that I was able to play along this week. Here's my card.

And here is a card I did for Emma's this week. Our challenge was to create a holiday project using some stitching. I used the gorgeous Pink Paislee Tinsel Town line. Love it. ;)

Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a great day!


  1. Your folded flower looks amazing! Did you plan for that design? Which pp did you use? I love that!

  2. Anabelle, I love pink and orange together so much and I love the CPS sketch this week which means that I LOOOOVE your card! Hee! Congrats too, on CARDS Magazine's Designer of the Month feature. My issue came yesterday - I was so happy to see you there!!

    Have a great day, Girly!

  3. These cards are gorgeous, Anabelle.

    I added you to my blog list so I won't miss any of your posts.

  4. I LOVE your folded flower Anabelle!! I love your card too! True eye candy! :D Everything you touch must turn to are so talented!!


  5. I love all of your hand cutting and the way you tied the ribbon...sweet!

  6. This turned out amazing! Love the design and the colors, and the tree, all of it!!!

  7. I love Tinsel Town too!! I just got a package in yesterday with some in it!! Finally!! Love all your cards, espically the last one!! But I'm not very good at stiching!! have a wonderful day!! Char

  8. Gorgeous cards!!
    Love your flower tutorial at Pink Paislee, too!

  9. Fabulous design element on that first card Anabelle! and I loved your stitched card for Emma's - that dp is so fun and I love the way you mixed all the elements for a beautiful card! :)

  10. See, you can't NOT do your CPS cards!!! LOVE what you created.

  11. oh girl--these are amazing cards!! Great colors too!

  12. Love the folded flower, how did you do that? The cards are beautiful as always:)

  13. Yes, that folded flower is gorgeous! But I am so in love with the Christmas Tree card. Stunning!!

  14. Sniff sniff...we miss you. Your card is gorgeous though...I hope you continue to play with us Annabelle.

  15. Wow, I love these colour combinations and the papers are fab.


  16. Wow, what yummy colors Anabelle! Beautiful cards. I love them both.

  17. Oh...YUM!!! These cards are pure eye candy! I just love the vibrant colors of both! The folded flower element on the first one is gorgeous, and the stitching on the Christmas card is fabulous!

    I just got my issue of CARDS yesterday, too! I was so excited to see you as the featured designer in it! Congrats, and thanks so much for always sharing such inspiring projects, Anabelle! :)

  18. Gorgeous, both of 'em! Love the bright cheery colors.

  19. What?! You aren't a CPS designer anymore?? I will miss seeing your creations over there. I'm going to subscribe to your blog, though, so I won't miss you gorgeous work!!

    Both of these cards are just stunning, Annabelle!!


  20. Gorgeous work Anabelle :) and a huge congrats on being the featured Designer in Card Magazine for December - the spread is gorgeous ;)


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)