Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Where has time gone? I can't believe it's almost been a week since I posted!

We spent last weekend in Virginia. It was a lot of fun! We spent a lot of time with my brother and took in several sights in DC. I got to meet an online friend for the first time, which was great! And I got to see another friend's new home. Needless to say, yesterday was a day of laundry and cleaning around the house. Going away is so much fun, but there's always the price to pay when you get home!

Well, here is a project for today. Ryan was drawing some cute monsters this weekend, so I had him create some for me. I've made several projects using them and I love them! Here is a card that I made. I colred his drawing with colored pencils and mounted it on K and Company paper.

Isn't this spider the cutest thing??? He's from K and Co., too. And the jewels are Queen and Company. I love that they are self adhesive.

I created another couple of projects using these little handmade monsters for the MMM blog. You can check them out here.

Well, that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. That card is so cute! I'm off to check out the Master's Blog!

  2. That card is so cute!!
    I'm off to check out the MMM blog.

    (By the way, I loved your card in the Fall Scrapbooks and Cards Today, Anabelle!)

  3. great ideas for the hand drawings...too precious! love the little spidey too. :)

  4. How cute!! What a great idea!

  5. My gosh, Anabelle!! How precious that card is! But I bet you could never give it away!

  6. Oh my gosh, sooooo cute! I just LOVE his little drawing!!

  7. This is so precious! I love this idea. It makes the card so personal. :)

  8. Oh my goodness Anabelle... I LOVE that you turned his artwork into a card, such a clever idea!!

  9. Ryan - that is the cutest little monster! Your mommy did a wonderful job incorporating into her beautiful project!! Keep up the good artwork!

  10. What adorable creations, Anabelle!!! Good thinking and tell your son he is a great artist.

  11. OMG sooooooo cute! I love how you used his drawing!

  12. What a great way to preserve Ryan's artwork. I love that idea! Our son's are the same age. I've got to remember to do this type of project.

  13. Very cute idea with the little drawings. It would be hard for me to give those cards away! lol

  14. LOVE this! Now I want my little ones to draw me some monsters!

  15. Ok now how CUTE is that card!!!! I LOVE it Anabelle. Love how you incorporated your sweet little guy's drawing like that!

    I'm off to see the MMM blog - thank you for being one BIG inspiration to me!!! :)


  16. welcome home! I agree coming back from vacation is always the busiest! And how fabulous is that card? I LOVE that you took your sons drawing! how creative and awesome! love it!

  17. Aww.. how adorable is his little monster. What a priceless card!

  18. I love the way you incorporated your little one's artwork into your card -- so clever! That spider is pretty irresistable too! ~Brandy

  19. adorable, love how you incorporated his cute artwork!

  20. This is the CUTEST thing evah!!

  21. What a cute card! Love the idea of using kids' artwork on cards. :)


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