Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Queen and Co. Goodies

Hi Everyone! Happy Tuesday. It's beautiful here and we are enjoying our last week of vacation. I can't believe Ryan starts kindergarten next week. I'm so emotional about this. He'll only be there a half day, less time than he was in preschool last year, but still. It's kindergarten! So, we are squeezing in some last minute activities and making the most of our lazy days.

I have some projects that I've done with Queen and Co. to share with you today.
This fist card is my CPS card of the week. I used Pink Paislee papers along with some stamps and rubons. The felt and jewels are Queen and Co. And the flowers are Prima.

This next card uses K and Company papers and stickers. I added Q&Co. red scroll felt and brads.

And finally a layout of Ryan during swimming lessons. This one uses Cherry Arte papers, a Hambly overlay, Doodlebug glitter cardstock and QCo. felt and brads.

That's it for today. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the day. :)


  1. Your cards are such an inspiration !

    I totally love the LO. Awesome colors.

  2. These are all so great!! I love the LO and all the different embellishments to it! Fab!

  3. OOooh, loving everything you do! Just got the new Cards Mag in the mail yesterday and of course I was so happy to find me a bunch of Anabelle Originals! :0)

  4. These are all beautiful. I think the card is my fave!

  5. What a treat to be able to see your gorgeous projects today, Anabelle! I absolutely love the layout with the KI lace (I adore that stuff!), and your cards are always so detailed...terrific work as always!

  6. Fabulous work!!!! I love to drool over your beautiful, inspiring work!!! :)

  7. Gorgeous creations again Anabelle! And congratulations to Karey for winning your RAK!

  8. Love your work! I'm with you on the whole Kindergarten thing. My first son is starting in two weeks and although he's been in preschool/pre-kindergarten it still feels like a big deal. They're growing up!

  9. Kindergarten already? No way!! They grow up too fast. :(

    Love the new designs you posted, especially your layout...beautiful!

  10. Adorable projects Annabelle! Love them!


  11. Ooohh I love it all! Especially that Swim layout. Love the colors and all your special touches. Oh, and I just tagged you on my blog. :-)

  12. such gorgeous projects Annabelle! Really really love that layout!

  13. I just visited the MM blog and wanted to say congrats to you ! I have been following the masters blog this last year and I can't wait to see all the fab stuff you will be doing. Again congrats you are so deserving !!!

  14. Stunning work!! And a HUGE comgrats on MM!!!! WooHoo!!! :)

  15. So many great accents all over your creations! LOVING that pic of your son in the pool!

  16. great cards! i was admiring your lo the other day.

  17. Hey Girl!

    Caution: this comment is sure to sound a bit stalker-ish.

    I recently moved from Utah to Delaware and a scrapping friend of mine (I think it may have been Kim Hughes, who I used to crop with) told me you were from Delaware and to look you up.

    I have been dying for a crop buddy who understands my love of scrapping since moving here, but to no avail! LOL!

    I live in New Castle and would love to chat sometime. Here's my blog addy so you can see I am not a psycho (at least...I hope that comes through in my blog. But seriosuly...who knows!)

    Email me when you get a second.


  18. Your blog is beautiful!!!! Congrats too... =)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Such beautiful creations, Anabelle!. Love all of the vibrant colors in these!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)