Monday, August 4, 2008

Monday, Monday

Happy Monday! We had such a relaxing weekend. It's nice to do that every once in a while. I got on a roll with my scrapping. I actually stayed up until 2am on Saturday night, which, if you know me, never happens. I usually crash around 10. It was nice to be able to get so much done, though. :)
Over at the Pursuit of Craftyness blog this week, we're doing 'Something Old, Something New'. Be sure to stop by to get ideas on how to mix old product or vintage items with new things.
Here's a gift bag that I made using Queen and Company felt. I love these bags. You can find them at Emma's Paperie. They are the perfect size to fill with little gifts.

Here is my card for CPS this week. I used Webster's Pages papers and the tags are are Amy Butler. I'm addicted to both of these things at the moment. ;)

And finally, a project I did for Emma's. We had a challenge to use circles. So, I created this cute pillow box set. I love this paper from Cosmo Cricket.

well, that's all for now. Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. wow!! I just love all this gorgeous projects!!! :)

  2. That bag is soooo yum! I can't even imagine receiving a masterpiece like that.

  3. Great projects - that bag is perfect. I have used that Cosmo Cricket paper over and over in gift albums because I love it so much.

  4. What a fabulous gift bag! Whoever receives it will truly be blessed!

    I adore the card with the Amy Butler elegant!

    The pillow box and card are awesome! Beautiful work all around! Thanks for the inspiration, Annabelle! :)

  5. Your 2am bedtime sounds like my usual to fit in some scrapping time, lol! Love the new projects you made, especially that adorable bag!!

  6. WOW!!! All gorgeous projects. Beautiful.

  7. Love those cards, I'm especially partial to the WP one!!! I always love seeing your creations!!!

  8. Wonderful projects, Anabelle! I always love how you use the Queen & Co. felt!

  9. Such gorgeous work Anabelle---you always inspire me!

  10. These are just fabulous Annabelle! I love them all!!

  11. cute cute CUTE!!!

  12. Love it all ... fabulous.

  13. Beautiful projects, Anabelle! See - burning that midnight oil can be beneficial (sometimes). :)

  14. Anabelle, such cute projects in this post! Love, LOVE the one you did for CPS this week!!

    Have a goodie!

  15. Such fun and beautiful projects Anabelle! Love them all -- especially that gift bag. The felt is perfect!

  16. OK, so maybe we should have a sleepover Anabelle! 2 am is when I usually go to bed. Your projects always inspire me. I love how you used the Queen & Co. felt (that product is so beautiful, but I can never figure out how to use it). And the pillow box is so cute...looks like you had a lot of fun!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)