Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Today's The Day...

Happy Tuesday. Well, my baby is starting kindergarten today. I. Can't. Believe. It.
Wasn't he just in diapers? Weren't we just in playgroups?? I've been scrapping about it a lot. Therapy? Maybe. Does it help? Not, really. The good thing is that he's only going half day. And he is just so excited. He has several friends in his class that were in preschool with him. Plus, he's an old pro at this school thing. I'm looking forward to being a volunteer in his room one afternoon a week. I can finally put my teaching skills to use. :) His teacher seems wonderful and his room looks great. So, we'll have to see how we do at drop off time. I'm meeting my friend, Donna, after she drops off her twins at their first day. We are going to comiserate at Starbucks. I volunteered to go back and help the teacher with dismissal, so I get to head back earlier than normal.
So, here is one of the pages I created about the kindergarten thing. I was so excited to be asked to be a Guest Designer over at the Design Experiment. It's a really fun challenge blog - be sure to check it out. Their prompt this week is to interview someone. Here's the page I made after I interviewed Ryan about starting kindergarten.

Journaling: Your thoughts on starting kindergarten (interviewed 8-18-08)
You hope your teacher has long blonde hair. You hope that there are Legos in your classroom. You want to learn about pigs and you want to learn how to write words that you don't already know. Something you're worried about is that they won't have a snack that you like. You want your new friends to know that you like to be silly with your friends. Most importantly, you are excited for your new adventure! I pray hat all your kindergarten dreams come true.

Thanks for stopping by and wish me luck. I'm not sure I'm ready to be the mom of a
'school aged' kid.


  1. Gorgeous layout sweetie! Love all the amazing details! Good luck today and I am here if you need to talk. :) He is going to do great! So glad you have a friend to hang out with and pass the time.

  2. Beautiful layout, Anabelle! I hope Ryan and you both have a great day. :)

  3. LOVE your layout!!! I am dreading that first day for my baby. I didn't like it much when my older two started either, lol. Thankfully I have a couple more years to ready myself :)

  4. I saw this LO over at the challenge site and it's gorgeous. Beautiful colors. I can imagine how you are feeling my little girl is starting school next year and I think it will be a strange feeling.

  5. beautiful LO! I hope you and your little one have a great first day of school :)

  6. Aw, beautiful layout, Anabelle. Enjoy this time, it goes SO fast. My oldest started High School yesterday!

  7. ((hugs)) I hope Ryan had a great first day.. I want to hear ALL about it. Being the emotional mess I am with B starting school your lo and interview made me cry. Amazing page!

  8. Congrats again girl!! Oh, and darling page... just love that sweet photo!!

  9. Awww! First day of K. So hard...but, the reward will be his smiling face at the end of the day. Funny how kids are always more ready than we are. :-) Beautiful layout - fabulous details as usual!

  10. Fabulous layout!
    And darlin' ... it is perfectly normal to have all of these varied thoughts when 'Mom' faces Kindergarten! (I speak the truth here!) hahaha
    You are normal ... you will soon wonder how in the world you survived previously! Here's to a sweet "rest of First Week"!

  11. What a fabulous layout, Anabelle! I love that you've captured his hopes and desires for school in this page...I'm sure that he'll treasure it in years to come! Needless to say, treasure these days and moments...they go by so fast!

    I hope the rest of your week is wonderful!

  12. How did the first day of school go? I hope well for both of you. TAG your it - have fun xo xo xo

  13. Wow, that is one gorgeous LO!! I hope the first week of K has been going well, can't wait to hear about it!

  14. How's it going Mom-of-a-kindergartener? Hope that K is going well for Ryan (and you!!).
    My baby boy started K this year too... I am an 'empty nester' during the day with all three kids in school... still haven't figured out what to do with myself yet!

    I LOVE your layout, and the 'interview'... his answers are just priceless!!

  15. wow awesome page! i love the rustic look :) come check out my new blog if u have a minute



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