Monday, July 28, 2008

The Overalls

Sorry it's been a whole week since I've updated. Time has just gotten away from me. ;)
Here is a really special layout to me. First, because I adore this picture of Ryan. And secondly because of the overalls he's wearing. I've typed out the journaling so you can see why. Finally, this page is special because it's the first one that has been in Memory Makers. It's in the July issue. ;)

Journaling: They began their life as the uniform of a train engineer in New York City. Grandpa wore them as he drove steam locomotives. He retired in the 1960's and Grandma cut them down for a 4 year old Albert. He wore them all the times he played with his trains. When Ryan was born, I was excited that he'd get to wear them, too. At 4, they finally fit! The little overalls have made it to a third generation. They may be small, but they carry a long and loving legacy.
Yes, that's me in my favorite yellow dress in the photo with my brother. ;)
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hi, I'm just one of probably many lurkers here :-). I just had to leave you a comment. I saw this LO in MM and it's my fav in the hole magazine. I love it. Gorgeous photo. Amazing story and the design and color combo fantastic. I really am a fan of your work. Have a nice day !

  2. LO this LO but love the sentiment more how very special

  3. aww!! What cute overalls!! I love them Anabelle! Congratulations on your layout, that's wonderful!!!
    It's such a beautiful layout!

  4. This is too sweet Annabelle!! I just love it! Congrats on the MM pub!


  5. This layout is so cute! The design is fabulous and the photo is adorable. I also saw your layout at the Queen & Co. booth and CHA and LOVED it. ~BRANDY

  6. What a gorgeous and sentimental layout Anabelle! Congrats on the pub. :-)

  7. Your LO is `Beautiful` Annaballe...:0

  8. Anabelle, this is such a sweet layout. I love that picture of Ryan. What a cutie. Congrats on the MM pub! So well deserved girl!

  9. How AMAZING - the layout is stunning and the story of the overalls is just fabulous. No wonder this was published

  10. Ah. That is so awsome Anabelle. That is what scrapbooking is all about if you ask me.

  11. this is amazing work, love all the layer and the little details

  12. One of my favorite layouts with an amazing photo, journaling, and great story. Have I told you today.. you rock!!

  13. Oh Anabelle, this is so amazing in so many ways. I, too, am blessed with generation stories and so your layout touched me oh so deeply. Those overalls? oh my the memories for you, amazing!

  14. This is amazing!!! I saw it in MM and was just blown away!

  15. Wow! What a beautiful layout...not only because of the fabulous design, but because of the memories it captures! What a special pair of overalls they are indeed!

    Thanks so much for sharing this, and congrats on having it published in MM!

  16. Oh wow, this is gorgeous and how cool that those overalls have been passed down like that! Congrats on the pub!!

  17. Hi Annabelle!

    I've just tagged you and hope you'll be able to play along...I can't wait to see your list! :-D

    Here's the link for the rules:

    Have a wonderful day!

  18. What an adorable layout, Anabelle! Such a sweet memory!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)