Saturday, July 12, 2008

Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

Wow, this week's blog hop was awesome! Thanks so much to everyone who stopped by. My little blog didn't know what hit it!!! Be sure to check out the Pink Paislee blog to see if you were one of the lucky 12 winners.

So, here are a couple of pages that I made for the Queen and Company booth. We haven't gotten the new product yet, so these use some of the already released felt.

This first one uses one of my favorites...the Snowflake felt. It's really hard to see, but I added lots of jewels, brads and glitter. This is one of those pages that looks so much better IRL than online. Oh well, you get the idea, I'm sure.

Here is another layout using the photos I took of my niece, Kate. I just love these shots. I used the mini felt on this one. It's such a fun accent! I also added some large and small felt frenzy flowers.

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend!


danni reid. said...

These layouts are absolutely GORGEOUS Anabelle, you have such a way with that felt, jaw-dropping!

Melissa said...

Hello lady! These are so beautiful---love, love, love your gorgeous layouts----thanks for the treat this morning.

Heather said...

That snow kissed lo is gorgeous!

Miki said...

Bummer, looks like I missed out on the fun this week! Your layouts are so pretty and I love how you used the beautiful felt.

janedoe said...

Wow, just noticed your previous post had nearly 600 posts! Wow, your blog sure was busy!

Just love these two layouts you've done...gorgeous elements and pics too...

Leslie Ashe said...

oh wow Anabelle!! QUEEN's so LUCKY to have YOU!! :) Your work is just magic! I just love it all!

I'm sorry I missed the blog hop! Looks like you had SUPER fun!!

Have a happy day!

Melanie said...

These are all soo beautiful!! I missed the fun with the blog hop due to vacation. Maybe next vacation I'll have a laptop. tee hee!

Dena said...

WOW Anabelle These are both fabulous layouts! I am totally in love with the snow kissed one, that is just enchanting!

Anonymous said...

Anabelle, I'm lovin' that pink & orange! I'll be on the lookout for your projects at CHA!!

Have a great day!

Lea L. said...

Gorgeous layouts Annabelle! That snowflake one is just fabulous!


Anonymous said...

These are so beautiful Anabelle! You rock the Queen. :-)

Staci Taylor said...

You did some gorgeous things with that felt - those are both BEAUTIFUL!!

Tina said...

I can't wait to stop by the Queen & Co booth so I can see these in person!!!

Beautiful work as usual Anabelle!!!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh...these pages are lovely! Beautiful colors and those shots of your niece are gorgeous! :)

Kendra said...

That Snow Kissed layout is gorgeous Anabelle!!! Love it!

**** April **** said...

Truly beautiful girl! :)