Friday, July 18, 2008

Back from Vacation

We just spent a wonderful week in the Poconoes. There is definitely something to be said for living on a lake far away from work, the computer and life's daily grind!!! It's nice to be home, though. I'd share some photos, but silly me forgot to put the camera card back into my camera before we left. I did take a bunch of shots on my cell phone. My mom says the ones I sent her look good. But I have to get them loaded on my computer!

Here are a few things that I was working on before I left.

This first project is my CPS card of the week. I used stamps from The Kitchen Sink. The papers are K and company and My Mind's Eye.

This next card uses the new Vintage Moon line from Pink Paislee. I'm just in love with these fresh colors! They are perfect for so many things.

And finally, another card from Pink Paislee. This one uses the Pop Fashion line. I added lots of silver rubons to this one. I also used a Topsider chipboard. Having stickers that fit perfectly on the chipboard is just awesome!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love it all, that first one is stunning, with all the bright colors. Love all the new Pink Paislee!

  2. Oh gorgeous. Love the colours of the PP's in the first card...they are so lush and vibrant. Glad you enjoyed your break away from it all.

  3. BEAUTIFUL cards Anabelle!! Welcome back from your vacation! :)

  4. Oh wow, I love these cards. Your work is so beautiful. So glad I found you Cards magazine! FYI - we have a few things in common, I live on Long Island and am a UD graduate (class of '84) also! Can't wait to add your blog to my list of daily visits:-) xoxo

  5. All stunning! All the details are masterful :)

  6. Cute, cute, cute!

  7. Glad you made it back safely! :) I can't believe you didn't get a ton of pictures!!! The Poconos??? wow... I'd love to be there! :)

  8. Wonderful work! I love love love that cupcake!

  9. Love all of your new stuff girl! I especially love that bright colored cupcake card though. So cute!!


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