Tuesday, June 17, 2008


First off, thanks for all of your good wishes from my post below. I really appreciate all of the kind words!!

Recently, I had the chance to play with some of the new Scrapblocks from Cornish Heritage Farms. They are 6 by 6 inch squares of red rubber with the most fun patterns on them. I used them on several projects that I want to share with you.

This is the card I gave Fran for Father's Day. I used the Vintage Ledger Scrapblock for the background.

The papers and die cuts are Crate Paper.

This next card uses the Perfect Plaid Scrapblock. I love the way you can make background papers with these. I also used a stamp from Kim Hughes' Fall Silhouette's collection.

This last layout cracks me up. Can you believe I'm posting such a scary shot of myself? (OK, I was exhausted...Ryan was 2 weeks old.) Anyway, I used the Writing Paper Scrapblock for the background on here. I used paint to stamp it. It serves two purposes. It adds texture behind the main segment of the page and also becomes my journaling box. I wrote about how Ryan inherited the Fly Catcher gene from me. We both sleep with our mouth wide open.

Well, that's all for today! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. LOVE the fly catchers LO! So cute!!

  2. Such cute cards and I LOVE that layout....it's soooo fun! Heehee!

  3. Such cute things Miss Belle---love both of your cards and that layout makes me smile---darling stuff.

  4. I am new to your blog and I must tell you that I LOVE IT. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work. I will be stopping in daily.
    Blogger will not let me put in my blog address or name. Sorry for the anonymous. My blog is www.roomswithaview.typepad.com

  5. Beautiful projects and I LOVE that layout! Adorable!

  6. Congrats on the Webster's DT...so exciting Annabelle!

    And those projects are all great! The Fly Catchers layout totally cracks me up!


  7. Beautiful layouts and card! That Fly Catcher one is SOOO cute! :)

  8. Love the layout Annabelle..thatbit of the Bo Bunny Ella paper is so pretty on here!! And I'm a fly catcher too!LOL


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)