Thursday, May 15, 2008

Pizza Night

This is one of my recent favorite layouts! I just love bright colors and details and I think this one has it all. Far from a 'clean and simple gal', I am! Anyway, I'm posting it because our pool will be opening soon. We had so much fun there last year! One of our favorite things to do was Tuesday Pizza Night. The local pizza place has 5 dollar pizzas at 5 o'clock on Tuesdays. We'd all head up there, let the kids play and order pizzas. It was great. Of course, Ryan HAD to race over to the snack bar and get his ring pop after he finished the pizza. Pretty soon, it will be time for Pizza Nights again. I can't wait!!

(Papers-KI, Anna Griffin, Scenic Route, Hambly, Chipboard-KI, Stickers-American Crafts)

Thanks for stopping by!!!


  1. I love the colours of this LO - I have really enjoyed browsing your blog thank-you

  2. Such a cute layout Annabelle! So bright and cheery...perfect for summer!

    Have a great day!

  3. Hi Anabelle,

    When I opened my Paper Crafts magazine, the first thing I saw was your name and face. Congratulations on being in the designer spotlight. Thanks for the inspiration.


  4. What a cute layout! It is so fun and colorful!

  5. beautiful LO! I love how you play with colors! :)

  6. Ok I am officially hungry again! This layout is adorable. So many fun colors and a great memory/tradition to scrap!

  7. Beautiful Lo...Annabelle:)x

  8. SO BEAUTIFUL Anabelle!! I LOVE that layout!! :)
    Hope you're having a great week!!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)