Sunday, April 20, 2008


Here are a couple that I made this week. This first one uses the Pink Paislee Office Lingo line. I wanted to make it look like one of those cute wooly caps. To make the bottom of the hat I added some trim from Joann's, folded some paper and added Queen and Company felt. The flower on the top is also Queen and Co. felt.

This is the card I made for Melissa Phillips' first challenge over at the Pursuit of Craftyness blog. You can check it out here
So I think I get an A for effort but and F for following directions!
I read the challenge and thought you had to pick ANY card for inspiration. So, I chose one of Melissa's that I love. Here's a link to her gorgeous card. I used a beautiful tag that I received from Cindy. Isn't it gorgeous? It's from Antique Paperie. I tried to link it, but couldn't access the website for some reason. Anyway, I just love her tags. I added some MM and Fancy Pants paper, and the chipboard flower is Melissa Frances. I sprayed glimmer mist and added glitter to the felt and attached the black felt flower to the chipboard using a felt brad that has been covered with Stickles.

That's it for today. We've been out enjoying the nice weather this weekend, so I don't have much else to share.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by~!


  1. That hat is so stinkin' cute ... absolutely fabulous.

  2. I just LOVE that hat card! How cute :)

  3. Those cards are adorable Annabelle!! Love the hat shaped one!

    Talk to you later!

  4. Beautiful...beautiful! That hat is the cutest and the scrap lift card is so pretty!

  5. your hat is the cuuuutest ever, haven't i told you that....giggle? And you get an A+ for gorgeousness with your card, wow, it's oh so beautiful Anabelle!

    hugs & love!

  6. LOVE THIS GIRL!! that flower on top is so fun!

  7. Sooooo cute---that hat card is so sweet Anabelle---you are so creative!

  8. Beautiful cards, Anabelle! That little hat card is so creative!

  9. oh my gorgeous cards you have! that hats off is sooo cute, love the colors too!

  10. What gorgeous cards!!! I just LOVE that hat card!! So super cute!!

  11. Oh such fabulous creations...that hat is the greatest!!!:)xxx

  12. O the hat is just ingenious ! How original ! love love the colors !


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