Saturday, March 29, 2008

Photo Strips

When I was growing up one of my favorite things to do was to go to Woolworth's with my friends (am I dating myself here?) and sit in the little little black booth to get our pictures taken!! Those machines are few and far between, but luckily, there is one on the Ocean City boardwalk. Last summer we got our pictrues done there. I love this layout for the nostalgia it brings and how it bridges the past and the present.

Hopefully, we'll be heading to the beach soon and have some more photos taken!

Here is my CPS card for this past week. I finally got my hands on MM 5th Avenue and just love it. The colors are amazing.

Have a great weekend and thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. What a fun layout and beautiful card!

  2. I love this LO! Your card for CPS is beautiful:)

  3. Gorgeous layouts! Love the card too!

  4. Awesome layout & card. Love those photos.. Woolworth, what's that? hehe ;0)

  5. Great layout and I love the card!

  6. What a gorgeous layout (loved those b&w photo booths!!), and your CPS card is just gorgeous!

  7. I LOVE that layout Anabelle! And your card is gorgeous too - I've been eyeing that line. :-)

  8. I loved photo booths when I was younger too!! Love that layout!

    Have a great day!

  9. Used to do the same and also go have lunch and the Woolworth counters with my Grandma. Amazing memories and this layout is just fantastic Annabelle! Love the card too!

  10. Your layout is amazing - brought back some memories of Woolworth's, my Mom always took me there after the Dentist for an icecream :) Your card is beautiful!

  11. adorable layout Anabelle! Zoe just hopped in a photobooth the other day at the mall.
    Lovin that card as well :)

  12. Love BOTH of these!! Your layout is stunning!! I remember Woolworth' mom used to save their "stamps". ha

  13. I love your layout...the photo strip brings back so many memories! Your photos came out great!

    Gorgeous card, too! So inspiring...I haven't done anything creative in a week, and this may just get me going again!

    Thanks so much for sharing these! :)


  14. What a fun layout! My aunt used to work for Woolworth's, so I have some fond memories of the place myself. Love that card too! :)

  15. GORGEOUS layout Anabelle! I LOVE how you used your cute filmstrip!

  16. I love your LO....Oh I used to love going to Woolworths to the photo Booths also...and hey do you remember the little Music Booths youd`e listen to the music also?hmmm sweet memories:)
    I so love your card it`s beautiful.
    "Thakyou" for visiting my blog,enjoy your weekend:)x

  17. I LOVE that You Make Me Smile card! SO cute!!


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