Saturday, December 15, 2007

Saturday Stuff

We've had a wonderfully lazy day today. I made some cards this morning. I cleaned and put a TON of laundry away. We went bowling. Just lots of mundane things. But I love it. Ryan is now watching Scooby Doo (what else is new?) and we're waiting for takeout from Hibachi. YUM!!!

Anyway, here are a couple of new cards. This was my CPS card for the week. I used mostly Melissa Frances stuff and some Inque Boutique stamps.

This is a sympathy card. I came across this quote and thought it was really appropriate to send to someone who is grieving.

That's about it for now. Gotta go write Christmas cards. Have a great weekend!


  1. Beautiful work!! I especially love the top card, my favorite colors! I always enjoy seeing your work!!

    To answer your question about my ornament photo and what lens I have.. I have a Canon Rebel XT and a Tamron lens 28-75mm..and I played with the photo a bit in Photoshop with the coloring of it!

    Hope you are having a good weekend!

  2. Anabelle, your blog is looking so beautifully Christmasy! I love all of it..such gorgeous stuff. :-)

  3. Oh, so pretty! Love the black and pink combo. :0)


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)