Saturday, November 10, 2007

Think Pink!

Yesterday, I went for my mammogram. Thank goodness all looks well with the girls. :) Having lost someone I loved dearly to breast cancer, I've been careful to make sure I get my yearly mammogram done. A couple of months ago, the girls at Paper Salon had the opportunity to help the Young Survival Coalition in Duluth, MN, with their fundraising efforts. We all created cards for a silent auction they held. Well, I got a letter yesterday sayting that they raised over $8,000. (Isn't it wierd that I got the letter as I was coming home from my mammogram?) I'm so excited that I was able to play a (very) small role in that success.

So, if you are someone who needs to get a mammogram, but haven't done it yet...GO! It doesn't hurt and it's very quick!

I leave you with the cards I made for the YSC.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

If you'd like to see even more breast cancer cards, check out the Paper Salon blog. Everyone of them is beautiful and definitely a source of hope!

Have a great weekend!!!


  1. Gorgeous cards, isn't it woderful they raised so much!

  2. Beautiful cards, Anabelle! That is wonderful that they were able to raise so much for a great cause.

  3. I LOVE these cards! I am a breast cancer survivor and there is such a soft spot in my heart for all things "pink". Thanks for sharing your incredible work!

  4. sooo beautiful...what a wonderful thing!!

  5. oh! I love this colors! the cards are soooo beautiful! TFS :)

  6. Beautiful cards ,so glad your tests went well Dawnx

  7. So glad that your girls got good news. I know my girls are always thrilled to hear that. :O!

  8. Anabelle:
    I am Alane Davis, the Chair of the Young Survival Coalition - Duluth CVG that held the Crop For A Cure. Your cards were so amazing! You and the other Paper Salon designers were so generous. I had to write and thank you again for your help in making our first event a wonderful success. Your contribution may have seemed small to you, but to us it was very important! I keep telling everyone that it is each gift of help, no matter how small, which adds up to a BIG deal. That is how change is made, and how a cure for breast cancer will be found. I have to tell you, we were so delighted to have the Paper Salon cards for more than just the purposes of raising money. Because of your donations, I had a beautiful display which I took with me to the breast cancer related events I attended during October. Your beautiful cards caught people's attention. They were the catalyst for many people to talk to me about breast cancer in young women. They also caught the attention of the news media! Because of your cards, the local Fox news affiliate did a story on our event which included beautiful shots of your cards! Because the news told the story about the Crop For A Cure, they met a young woman, a member of our group, who is 34 years old and dealing with recurrent metastatic breast cancer. Because of your cards, they are telling the story of how she is fighting so her daughters, ages 2 and 4, will not grow up without their Mom. Because of your cards, I believe some woman, after seeing that story, will get a life saving mammogram. Thank you so much for all you did for the Young Survival Coalition. It was hard to let your cards go in the auction! They were truly a gift that inspired so much more!
    Alane Davis
    Young Survival Coalition
    Duluth Community Volunteer Group


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)