Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My Son, the Athlete

Ryan fell in love with mini golf this past year. Maybe we have the next Tiger Woods on our hands. But from the looks of these pictures, maybe not. I recently got some new KI lace cardstock and played around with it on this layout. I love this stuff.

The journaling goes along with what he's doing in the photos and is 'Golf According to Ryan'

"Push it all the way to the hole. Put it in the hole with your hand. Use 2 balls. (better odds). When all else fails, use your soccer skills and kick it in! Just be sure no one sees you!"

In all fairness, my boy definitely improved his game by the end of the summer. I was actually quite impressed! He even shot a couple of holes in ones! Maybe a career in pro golf ISN'T that far off.

Thanks for stopping by and have an awesome day!

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( I went a bit crazy with the Doodlebug them!)
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(Lots of layering on the title)

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  1. Amazing lo, pure eye candy. Ryan is such a cutie and the details.. wow!

  2. whoa, this how you made the title!

  3. I ADORE the colors on these...fantastic!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)