Monday, November 5, 2007

Halloween Pics...A Bit Late

I figured I'd post these pictures of Ryan, even if they are a bit late. This year's Halloween costume selection process was quite problematic. How do we go from being Humpty Dumpty, a Race Car Driver and Buzz Lightyear


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THE CUT THROAT PIRATE?????? Well, it was by process of elimination. This one was the least gruesome of the ones he wanted to be which included the Grim Reaper, the Devil, a Zombie and the Ghostly Traveler. (someone's been watcihng too much Scooby Doo)

In the end, he did look really cute. Here's a better photo of him in all glory...

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He ended up not wearing the mask because 'It smelled in there.' Good call, I say.
We had a blast trick or treating with the girls and baby Ryan.

I'm just dreading what he might want to be next year!!

As for scrapping, I've been really busy. I submited several to the BHG call for the Make It Your's bookazine. My layout is in this month's issue and I'm really hoping not to be a one hit wonder with them . I also sent a couple to Memory Makers. This 'no posting allowed' rule really stinks. I hate not being able to share.

Anyway, here is one that I can share. I used the October Self Addressed kit for it. It's Ryan at Milburn Orchard.

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Have a great day!!!


  1. He's so cute Annabelle! And your new layout is beautiful! I've added you to my blog too!!

  2. Love the layout, Anabelle (esp. the cut-outs)! And what a cute little pirate you have got there! :)

  3. I love that page Anabelle! And what a cute little pirate...good call on the mask. :-)


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